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#75474 12/19/2011 9:04 PM
by Spirantho
Hi everybody,

Has anybody managed to emulate the Alphatronic PC yet?
I can find very little information on the net about this machine, let alone the ROMs or an emulator.
I have the BASIC ROMs here - what I should do with them? There's no way to save binary from BASIC so I copied it to a massive REM statement, saved it out, read the cassette file, and grabbed the ROM from there. I now have 3x8KB ROMs.
Of course the T/A doesn't use it's BASIC from ROM, it copies it to RAM first, so I'd guess there may be another bootstrap ROM inside it which does the copying, but I've not looked into it properly yet.
I also have the manual scanned in if anybody's interested...!

Let me know where to send the BASIC ROMs though and I'll get them sent there!
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#110124 Jul 4th a 03:20 AM
by rfka01
I'm reviving this somewhat stale thread (2011 laugh ) as I'll be receiving an Alphatronic PC rig soon, and I realised I hadn't dumped the one already lurking in my basement.

It's somewhat different from the OP's machine in that the ROMs are really only 3x8KB instead of the bigger 32K with the unused top 8K.

[Linked Image from]

And - it has a ROM pack containing a game (Escape) and a text editor (Brief Editor).

[Linked Image from]

The existing Alphatronic PC driver source mentions

	ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "user1", ROMREGION_ERASE00 )
	ROM_LOAD( "ipl.bin",        0x8000, 0x2000, NO_DUMP  )

What's the IPL? If possible, I'll dump it.

As usual, here are photos and the file dumps:

Alphatronic PC machine #1

There's a manual for the international incarnation of the alphatronic PC and some disk images here:

There are two types of disk drive, F1 and F2. The disk controller board that the OP posted is only found in the F1, the F2 is a "dumb" drive. The cable is just a cable, there's no PAK for the floppy system. I'll take apart my F1 drive once I get my complete rig.
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#110377 Jul 21st a 02:21 AM
by R. Belmont
R. Belmont
And now... the ROM cartridge.

[Linked Image from]
[Linked Image from]
[Linked Image from]
[Linked Image from]
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