Yes, it's normal behavior, as RB said. Apple "normal" mode text has at least the seventh bit set (i.e. #$80-FF); flash mode has only the sixth bit set (#$40-7F), inverse has neither bit set (i.e. #$00-3F), and you might notice that there's no lowercase in flash or inverse because of the restricted range. No, you can't switch to 7-bit, because when it was 8-bit originally, you'll get the marker to say that a conversion happened, as you can see. You'll have to send in 8-bit form, and then perform the conversion after the data arrive.
The glitching is caused by the same issue, but I can't see how to fix it without rewriting the driver to use a timer to control screen updating. The 80-column firmware does a lot of switching between pages, faster than the hardware can refresh the display, but each switch triggers a screen update in MAME.
Oh, that sucks. The French Touch demos flip page 1 / page 2 mid-scanline and expect it to change the display immediately. (BTW, they posted the source for all their stuff if you missed it).
I've been noticing that the sound output from the apple2e driver has a lot of "pops and crackles." It must be coming from the Mockingboard because it disappears if I bring up the ` volume sliders and set the volume for each AY channel to zero. It has a very regular pattern, almost like someone typing.
Is there a way to disable the Mockingboard from the command line as it seems to be hard wired in the driver? Like -sl4 empty_slot? I suppose I could always just comment it out and recompile.
You can empty a slot from the command line, e.g. -sl4 "" (two double quotes with nothing between them), or you can put something like a mouse card in the slot instead.
I've never gotten that noise. I suspect your system isn't able to keep up with full frame rate with the Mockingboard installed. Enable the MAME keys and press F11 to monitor that - if it drops below 100% when you hear the crackles that's what's happening.