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I brought up the F11 display and sure enough, it was tracking below 100% at times. Most of the time it would hover from 90% to 100%. The pops would definitely get worse when momentarily it would drop to around 60%.

I'm running Ubuntu on a core i5 2.67G x 4, should that be able to keep up?

Unfortunately, the on board sound doesn't work under ubuntu, so I've got a USB audio adapter and I wonder if that contributes to any slowdowns.

Thanks for the -sl4 "" tip, that empties out the Mockingboard.

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2.67 i5 should be fine. Do you have some background process that's using a lot of CPU?

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I know if I don't plug in my laptop, CPU governing kills performance on Windows.

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I can close pretty much everything (including firefox) and I still get the pops. It all works so well graphics and soundwise aside from the pops. If it didn't pop I wouldn't even notice that it wasn't running 100%.

I have ubuntu's system monitor running and it doesn't show excessive cpu.


using F8 and F9 to adjust the frameskip, along with F10 to toggle the throttle makes a big difference.

Setting frameskip to 4/10 and keeping throttle on results in virtually no popping/crackling at all.

I fiddled with some pulseaudio tips at but that didn't seem to make any difference for me.

Last edited by Golden Child; 09/06/17 06:37 PM.
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If increasing frameskip improves performance, and MAME isn't pegged at 100% on a CPU core when you're experiencing the issues, it suggests an issue with video card drivers/configuration.

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-sdlvideofps will give an idea how performant your video output is. Running an HP9000/320 on my MacBook, it says this:

  0.01s,    1 F, avrg game: 68.78 FPS 14.54 ms/f, avrg video: 414.14 FPS 2.41 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 1.26 ms/f
  1.03s,   72 F, avrg game: 70.02 FPS 14.28 ms/f, avrg video: 708.18 FPS 1.41 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 1.18 ms/f
  2.03s,  142 F, avrg game: 69.98 FPS 14.29 ms/f, avrg video: 700.22 FPS 1.43 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 2.07 ms/f
  3.04s,  213 F, avrg game: 70.01 FPS 14.28 ms/f, avrg video: 719.18 FPS 1.39 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 1.15 ms/f
  4.06s,  284 F, avrg game: 70.00 FPS 14.29 ms/f, avrg video: 735.14 FPS 1.36 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 1.47 ms/f
  5.07s,  355 F, avrg game: 70.00 FPS 14.28 ms/f, avrg video: 738.10 FPS 1.35 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 1.19 ms/f

The "avrg game" is the core emulation's frame rate (this system is a computer putting out a 1024x768@70 Hz screen, so the 70.00 once it settles in is correct), and "avrg video" shows how fast MAME would run if all it did was upload frames in the current configuration. With decent GL drivers that should be above 300%; if it's much below that you might have problems.

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I tried -sdlvideofps with both -video opengl and -video soft and

./mame64 apple2e -sdlvideofps -video opengl
  0.02s,    1 F, avrg game: 60.09 FPS 16.64 ms/f, avrg video: 115.03 FPS 8.69 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 4.33 ms/f
  1.02s,   57 F, avrg game: 55.82 FPS 17.91 ms/f, avrg video: 169.71 FPS 5.89 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 1.17 ms/f
  2.04s,  115 F, avrg game: 56.45 FPS 17.71 ms/f, avrg video: 164.82 FPS 6.07 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 2.71 ms/f
  3.04s,  171 F, avrg game: 56.27 FPS 17.77 ms/f, avrg video: 165.24 FPS 6.05 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 1.96 ms/f
  4.05s,  230 F, avrg game: 56.74 FPS 17.62 ms/f, avrg video: 170.18 FPS 5.88 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 16.02 ms/f
  5.07s,  289 F, avrg game: 57.04 FPS 17.53 ms/f, avrg video: 184.40 FPS 5.42 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 7.71 ms/f
  6.08s,  349 F, avrg game: 57.40 FPS 17.42 ms/f, avrg video: 196.23 FPS 5.10 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 1.16 ms/f
  7.09s,  408 F, avrg game: 57.53 FPS 17.38 ms/f, avrg video: 193.83 FPS 5.16 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 15.00 ms/f

./mame64 apple2e -video soft
  0.01s,    1 F, avrg game: 78.69 FPS 12.71 ms/f, avrg video: 75.66 FPS 13.22 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 6.12 ms/f
  1.02s,   59 F, avrg game: 57.62 FPS 17.36 ms/f, avrg video: 135.10 FPS 7.40 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 5.98 ms/f
  2.04s,  117 F, avrg game: 57.42 FPS 17.41 ms/f, avrg video: 121.47 FPS 8.23 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 6.30 ms/f
  3.06s,  175 F, avrg game: 57.12 FPS 17.51 ms/f, avrg video: 120.19 FPS 8.32 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 19.81 ms/f
  4.07s,  231 F, avrg game: 56.75 FPS 17.62 ms/f, avrg video: 114.54 FPS 8.73 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 29.81 ms/f
  5.08s,  289 F, avrg game: 56.92 FPS 17.57 ms/f, avrg video: 114.66 FPS 8.72 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 6.87 ms/f
  6.10s,  348 F, avrg game: 57.02 FPS 17.54 ms/f, avrg video: 112.14 FPS 8.92 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 19.09 ms/f
  7.12s,  408 F, avrg game: 57.33 FPS 17.44 ms/f, avrg video: 115.75 FPS 8.64 ms/f, last video:   inf FPS 6.46 ms/f

-nowaitvsync doesn't seem to make any difference.

lspci tells me that I'm running a:
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV710 [Radeon HD 4550]

glxinfo | grep AMD
Device: AMD RV710 (DRM 2.49.0 / 4.10.0-33-generic, LLVM 4.0.0) (0x9540)
OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on AMD RV710 (DRM 2.49.0 / 4.10.0-33-generic, LLVM 4.0.0)

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I was fiddling with the apple2e driver's Machine Configuration/Composite Monitor Type options and I noticed that the B+W/green/amber don't properly show the shift from the high bit.

So if I do this:

HPLOT 0,0 TO 8,0
HPLOT 0,1 TO 8,1
POKE 8192,PEEK(8192)+128

and if you are in the black and white modes,
the pixels in the top row should have a horizontal shift to them.

[Linked Image from]

and here's another small program to illustrate:


[Linked Image from]
[Linked Image from]

and this is the result running the applepc emulator under dosbox

[Linked Image from]
[Linked Image from]

Last edited by Golden Child; 09/11/17 12:04 PM.
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Yes, that's known. It'll get fixed whenever we end up doing correct NTSC decoding in-line.

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Is there a way to keep mame from exiting when you hit ESC when in Partial Keyboard Mode?

When using the apple2e driver, I find myself hitting ESC to do stuff like apple ESC-IJKM text screen editing and mame drops out immediately. It'd be awesome if there was a delay or something that you had to hold ESC for 3 seconds or some kind of exit confirmation. "Are you sure you want to exit?"

I must've done this 100 times now.

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