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I keep fiddling with it and I think that maybe the lower set of addresses (C0F0-C0F8) are the upper switches and the higher addresses are the lower switches (C0F8-C0FF).

I suppose it has to be one or the other, and I think that's correct. It would make sense as the bar on screen will appear on pressing the lower switch and disappear on releasing the upper switch.

It would be good to run a little test program on a real Syntauri keyboard that would read those addresses.

just something simple like:
100 S=7:PRINT PEEK(49280+S*16+0),PEEK(49280+S*16+8):GOTO 100 REM SLOT 7 = C0F0
and then press the lowest key on the keyboard slowly.

Here's a short little program, and if you push the key down slowly enough it should show you which io location changes first:

100 S=7:IO=49280+S*16  :  REM 0XC080 + SLOT*16
120 IF U<>U0 OR D<>D0 THEN PRINT U" "D
125 U0=U:D0=D
130 GOTO 110

[Linked Image from]

So when a key goes down it first hits the upper switch, and then the lower switch, the time delay being a measure of how fast you're pressing the key down.

delay = 0.026316 very quiet
delay = 0.013158 quiet
delay = 0 loudest

It doesn't seem to have many gradations in between loud and quiet. I hooked up my Sidewinder Precision Pro's throttle wheel (closest thing I've got to a paddle controller) to the joystick 2 x axis and set my delay to:

mykeysecondtimedown=machine().time().as_double()+(1.0/1520/100)*m_joy2x->read()*10; // the joystick reads between 0-255

and I can't hear too much in between the loud and the soft.

Last edited by Golden Child; 05/11/19 10:30 PM.
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Found a 1980 brochure for AlphaSyntauri on

I think they mean from C to C not F to F.
Wikipedia says "The modern console specification recommended by the American Guild of Organists calls for manual keyboards with sixty-one notes (five octaves, from C to c′′′′)".

[Linked Image from]

[Linked Image from]

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Thank you very much for the SCSI command info!

I got it working and proceded to try a drive-hooked-up IIgs.

5.25 drive: BlankProdos.dsk
3.5 drive: PrintShopGS.2mg
SCSI cdrom: GO.iso
SCSI hardrive: SCSIHD.chd (not booted)
VULCAN.GOLD hardrive: VULCAN.chd (boot)
RAM-Drive: 4MB

Everything works nicely. What a machine!

[Linked Image from]

Obviously the IIgs slots (nvram) must be set accordingly. In my case I went with: Slot2: Your card, Slot7: Your card, Boot: Scan, and set a RAM-Drive to 4MB

Example command:

D:\Mame>mame64 apple2gs -ramsize 8M -flop1 D:\Mame\software\apple2gs\BlankProdos.dsk -flop3 D:\Mame\software\apple2gs\PrintShopGS.2mg -sl2 scsi -sl2:scsi:scsibus:1 cdrom -cdrom1 D:\Mame\software\apple2gs\GO.iso -sl2 scsi -sl2:scsi:scsibus:6 harddisk -hard1 D:\Mame\software\apple2gs\SCSIHD.chd -sl7 vulcangold -hard2 D:\Mame\software\apple2gs\VULCAN.chd


Last edited by Spk; 05/12/19 11:28 AM. Reason: figured out how to get the pic to display
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I hardly ever use GR mode, but happened to end up in it after breaking out of Alphaplus, and noticed that if you print text that makes the screen scroll, it will make the screen vertically shift.

100 GR:FOR I=0 TO 39:R=RND(1)*16:COLOR=R:HLIN 0,39 AT I:NEXT
110 PRINT : GOTO 110

the screen will "wiggle". It's actually kind of a neat effect.

Interestingly, whenever it wiggles, it causes a partial screen update message to display if I turn on the frameskip osd with F11.

If you vary the frameskip, you can see the numbers change on the partial screen update message. If I set frameskip to 10/10 the partial screen update numbers slow down where you can actually read them.

Also, if you put an HGR in the above program, like 105 HGR the screen glitches show up. It's interesting that the CALL -912 routine at FC70 makes some hits to softswitches.

Printing text in the print statement shows that the text window part doesn't wiggle.

If I change line 110 to 110 CALL -912 : GOTO 110 it will do the same thing.

[Linked Image from]
Putting them side by side, you can see the bars have shifted vertically:
[Linked Image from][Linked Image from]
adding "105 HGR" to the program:
[Linked Image from]

The text part is solid, it doesn't wiggle at all:
[Linked Image from]
Maybe that can give some clues as to what's happening.

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I think I know why the GR screen wiggles when the screen scrolls.

The scroll routine hits softswitches c054 and c055 which causes partial updating to occur.

I put a little printf to show me what was happening:

In the apple2e_state:screen_update routine:
       else    // lo-res
                        if (m_video->m_mix)
                                if ((m_video->m_dhires) && (m_video->m_80col))
                                        m_video->dlores_update(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 159);
                                {       if (m_joybuttons->read() & 0x40) printf("cliprect = top bot %d,%d, left rt %d,%d  wid ht  %d,%d\n",,cliprect.bottom(),cliprect.left(),cliprect.right(),cliprect.width(),cliprect.height());
                                        m_video->lores_update(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 159);

cliprect = top bot 0,85, left rt 0,559  wid ht  560,86
cliprect = top bot 86,86, left rt 0,254  wid ht  255,1
getting to the switch  offset=54
cliprect = top bot 86,86, left rt 254,559  wid ht  306,1
cliprect = top bot 87,191, left rt 0,559  wid ht  560,105
cliprect = top bot 0,191, left rt 0,559  wid ht  560,192
getting to the switch  offset=55
cliprect = top bot 0,19, left rt 0,559  wid ht  560,20
cliprect = top bot 20,20, left rt 0,2  wid ht  3,1
getting to the switch  offset=54
cliprect = top bot 20,20, left rt 2,366  wid ht  365,1
cliprect = top bot 20,191, left rt 0,559  wid ht  560,172
cliprect = top bot 0,191, left rt 0,559  wid ht  560,192
getting to the switch  offset=55
getting to the switch  offset=54

and when it hits the softswitch, it triggers a partial update

              case 0x54:  // set page 1
                        if (!m_video->m_80col)
                                m_screen->update_now();   // This must trigger the partial update
                        m_page2 = false;
                        m_video->m_page2 = false;

                case 0x55:  // set page 2
                        if (!m_video->m_80col)
                        m_page2 = true;
                        m_video->m_page2 = true;

without the switches being hit, it will do an update all at once:
cliprect = top bot 0,191, left rt 0,559  wid ht  560,192
cliprect = top bot 0,191, left rt 0,559  wid ht  560,192
cliprect = top bot 0,191, left rt 0,559  wid ht  560,192
cliprect = top bot 0,191, left rt 0,559  wid ht  560,192
cliprect = top bot 0,191, left rt 0,559  wid ht  560,192
cliprect = top bot 0,191, left rt 0,559  wid ht  560,192

So I think what's happening is that it's coming into the lores_update with a non multiple of 8 as the top of the cliprect.

If we and the row with 0xf8 we can lock it to a multiple of 8 and set our starty to row % 8. That seems to fix the wiggle (just in my limited testing.)

  beginrow = (std::max)(beginrow,;
        endrow = (std::min)(endrow, cliprect.bottom());

        if (!(m_sysconfig & 0x03))
                for (row = beginrow; row <= endrow; row += 8)
                        for (col = 0; col < 40; col++)
                                /* calculate adderss */      // adderss 8-)
                                address = start_address + ((((row/8) & 0x07) << 7) | (((row/8) & 0x18) * 5 + col));

                                /* perform the lookup */
                                code = m_ram_ptr[address];

                                int starty = row % 8;   // get the low three bits

                                /* and now draw */
                                for (y = starty; y < 4; y++)   // start from starty
                                        if ((row + y) <= endrow)
                                                for (x = 0; x < 14; x++)
                                                        bitmap.pix16((row & 0xf8) + y, col * 14 + x) = (code >> 0) & 0x0F;    // and the row with 0xf8
                                for (y = starty+4; y < 8; y++)  // start from starty + 4
                                        if ((row + y) <= endrow)
                                                for (x = 0; x < 14; x++)
                                                        bitmap.pix16((row & 0xf8) + y, col * 14 + x) = (code >> 4) & 0x0F;

That got me to thinking, maybe the hgr_update routine is getting a little confused with getting different cliprects coming in, this modification seems to solve most of the glitching (though I did see a little speckle now and then).

(I don't completely understand the routine, so my assumptions may be wrong)

void a2_video_device::hgr_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int beginrow, int endrow)

      for (row = beginrow; row <= endrow; row++)
                for (col = begincol; col < endcol; col++)
                        offset = ((((row/8) & 0x07) << 7) | (((row/8) & 0x18) * 5 + col)) | ((row & 7) << 10);
                        vram_row[1+col] = vram[offset];

//              p = &bitmap.pix16(row);
//              for (col = 0; col < 40; col++)

                for (col = begincol; col < endcol; col++)     // if we wanted to limit it to the cliprect start at begincol and end at endcol
                p = &bitmap.pix16(row,col*14);  // update the p pointer for the start of our row and col

                        w =     (((uint32_t) vram_row[col+0] & 0x7f) <<  0)
                                |   (((uint32_t) vram_row[col+1] & 0x7f) <<  7)
                                |   (((uint32_t) vram_row[col+2] & 0x7f) << 14);

Last edited by Golden Child; 05/12/19 11:01 PM.
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The understanding of the routine is that French Touch and Deater both switch video modes arbitrarily in their stuff. Text, then HGR, then GR, then text on the bottom in Deater's most well-known case; French Touch went with HGR on the left and GR on the right IIRC. It's not exactly emulating that case properly but it's closer than it used to be.

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Wow, just got done looking at the website's syntauri pages and they're amazing in the level of detail and completeness. Seriously amazing, I wish I knew how to read schematics well.

[Linked Image from]

Some of the disk images are completely blank. They must share a common source with the Science Fiction Writer site.

hexdump -C ../../SUPERPLUS_from_APPLEBOX.dsk
00000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
hexdump -C ../../EXAMPLES_FROM_APPLEBOX.dsk
00000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
hexdump -C ../../ALPHAPLUS_FROM_APPLEBOX.dsk
00000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|

I also found a bunch of .NIB files on another site but that's not directly loadable in mame now, any suggestions on how to convert .nibs?

Last edited by Golden Child; 05/13/19 02:21 AM.
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Does CiderPress read .nibs? Otherwise you can -sl6 diskii to use the old HLE disk controller in MAME and run .nibs.

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Thanks, RB, I'll give it a try. I didn't know you could use the old HLE controller. Cool! So many things to learn. 8-)

I'm beginning to think the .nib images that I found aren't any good as the HLE disk ii didn't like them. Neither did nib2dsk or ciderpress 3.01, or applewin or applepc. Can .nib files be in the wrong disk order?

(just to test my sanity, the HLE disk ii seemed to work fine as it booted Microsoft Decathlon.nib)

Last edited by Golden Child; 05/13/19 03:50 AM.
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mame apple2e -listslots shows all the connectable things going on.

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