And we got a proper dump of the sound program. It's weird - I don't know if it was made with some kind of compiler or they gave it to the intern, but the code's very strange.
This is the Kyber Minus from Kyber Calcolatori, it's a CP/M clone thing.
The owner has provided a boot floppy image for it but am having trouble getting it to even attempt to boot, a ready signal from the floppy drive should generate an interrupt to trigger the boot process. I have a schematic so may submit as is in case anyone else can make more sense of it.
BBC Model B, ATPL Sidewise, Acorn Speech, 2xWatford Floppy Drives, AMX Mouse, Viglen case, etc.
I've been in contact with Steve Hunt, who dumped the m3 ROMs and wrote the replacement monitor ROM. He gave me his custom CP/M floppy images, so that I've been able to hook up floppy support:
Still no official software, but at least the machine is usable now.
I also have a new version of the monitor ROM that supports booting from IDE.