Yes I did hit apply and double checked to make sure the settings stuck. Here you go. Thanks.
08:22:47.224: M.A.M.E. Catalog / Launcher II v0.243 (Qt 5.15.3, MAME, Windows x86_64-w64-mingw32)
08:22:47.224: SDL joystick support enabled - using SDL v2.0.18
08:22:47.224: processing global emulator configuration
08:22:47.225: creating template configuration map
08:22:47.225: template info: emulator = MAME, version = 0.243, format = 0.2.9
08:22:47.559: shortcut map is clean
08:22:47.560: joystick map is clean
08:22:47.560: image cache size set to 66 MB
08:22:47.713: DAT-info database: importing software info-texts from 'E:\Mame 0.243\dats\history.xml'
08:22:48.202: DAT-info database: done (importing software info-texts from 'E:\Mame 0.243\dats\history.xml')
08:22:48.202: DAT-info database: 0 software info records imported
08:22:48.204: emulator info: type = MAME, version = 0.243
08:22:48.204: 44541 supported sets
08:22:48.259: loading ROM state from cache
08:22:48.273: done (loading ROM state from cache, elapsed time = 00:00.014)
08:22:48.273: 44541 cached ROM states loaded
08:22:48.273: processing machine list
08:22:48.308: pre-caching icons from directory
08:22:48.315: done (pre-caching icons from directory, elapsed time = 00:00.007)
08:22:48.315: 0 icons loaded
08:22:48.316: loading machine data from machine list cache
08:22:48.652: done (loading machine data from machine list cache, elapsed time = 00:00.336)
08:22:48.654: sorting machine list by machine description in ascending order
08:22:48.806: restoring machine selection
08:22:48.806: done (processing machine list, elapsed time = 00:00.533)
08:22:48.806: 38894 machines, 73 BIOS sets and 5574 devices loaded
08:22:48.806: ROM state info: L:44541 C:39494 M:5046 I:0 N:1 U:0
08:22:48.808: loading favorites and play history
08:22:48.809: done (loading favorites and play history)
08:22:48.811: total start-up time: 00:01.587
08:23:35.472: starting emulator #0, command = E:\Mame 0.243\mame.exe -noartwork_crop -dial_device mouse -lightgun_device mouse -paddle_device mouse -positional_device mouse -trackball_device mouse -bgfx_lut lut-default.png -bgfx_path "E:\Mame 0.243\bgfx" -ctrlr xarcade -mouse -offscreen_reload -cheat -language English -plugin hiscore -hashpath "E:\Mame 0.243\hash" -rompath "E:\Mame 0.243\roms;E:\Mame 0.243\software" -samplepath "E:\Mame 0.243\samples" -intscalex -6 -intscaley -1 -numscreens 0 -video bgfx -waitvsync -output console wboy
08:23:35.479: emulator #0 started, PID = 2694883296512, running emulators = 1
08:24:03.198: emulator #0 finished, exit code = 0 (no error), exit status = normal, remaining emulators = 0
Last edited by Jer; 05/10/22 03:10 PM.