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This question is primarily directed at Golden Child, but I'm hoping Vas might be able to provide some insight as well. This is in regards to my thread here:

I know that there are video overlays that one can use with OBS to record the state of a controller at any given moment, what I want is to re-create such a thing within MAME itself in order to compare the two.

All I really want is for there to be well-positioned boxes for: D-pad L/R/U/D, and Buttons 1-4. If it's possible to make a Lua script to read the current inputs that MAME is registering, and either fill or not-fill a surrounding with a highlight whenever that button is considered to be pressed, that would be a huge help, because if it's overlaid on the window, then I'll capture it while recording a given session. I can then see where the disagreement originates: If MAME's idea of "which button is pressed" differs from the controller overlay, then that could point the finger one way. If not, then it makes it clearer that the MAME driver for the NES itself is flawed in how it handles inputs.

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If you just want to display inputs as seen by the emulated system, you’re better off just making a layout file. Use the inputs to set the state of elements, and make them draw a different colour box depending on the state. You can do it with Lua script, but it’s a lot more work. If you ask over at the MAME Artwork forum, most of the more experienced guys there have mastered doing this for simple cases, so you could probably get more detailed examples from them. Also it’s kind of hap’s thing.

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Hi, JD,

sure I can whip something up, gimme an hour or two, gotta work out how to read an nes ioport in a lua script


I'll also try Vas's suggestion to make a simple layout.

(woo hoo crossed the 1000 post mark)

Last edited by Golden Child; 10/28/23 06:31 PM.
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Ok, here's a little script that will show the buttons for the left controller:

function iifnot0(a,b,c) if a~=0 then return b else return c end end
function drawoverlay()
dpadx,dpady = 50, 170 padx,pady = 30, 30 cposx,cposy = 120, 170 rposx, rposy = 190,170
buttons = {up = 16, down = 32, left = 64, right = 128, a=1, b=2, select=4, start=8} 
buttonpos = {up = {dpadx, dpady-pady},  down = {dpadx,dpady + pady}, right = {dpadx+padx, dpady}, left={dpadx-padx, dpady}, select={cposx, cposy}, start={cposx+padx,cposy}, b={rposx,rposy},a={rposx+padx,rposy}}
for i,j in pairs(buttons) do 
 0x88ffffff, iifnot0(manager.machine.ioport.ports[":ctrl1:joypad:JOYPAD"]:read() & buttons[i], 0x88ff0000, 0x88000000)) 

You can paste it in on the lua console or save it to a file and dofile("myfile.lua")

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Here's a layout file for nes, put it in a file called artwork/nes1/nes1.lay and then use "-override_artwork nes1"


<mamelayout version="2">
	<element name="button">
		<rect state="1"><color alpha="0.5" red="1.0" green="0" blue="0"/></rect>
		<rect state="0"><color alpha="0.5" red="0" green="0" blue="0"/></rect>

	<view name="Controllers Overlay">
		<screen index="0">
			<bounds x="0" y="0" width="256" height="240" />

<!-- a -->
		<element ref="button" inputtag=":ctrl1:joypad:JOYPAD" inputmask="0x1">
		<bounds x="220" y="170" width="20" height="20"/>
<!-- b -->
		<element ref="button" inputtag=":ctrl1:joypad:JOYPAD" inputmask="0x2">
		<bounds x="190" y="170" width="20" height="20"/>

<!-- select -->
		<element ref="button" inputtag=":ctrl1:joypad:JOYPAD" inputmask="0x4">
		<bounds x="120" y="170" width="20" height="20"/>

<!-- start -->
		<element ref="button" inputtag=":ctrl1:joypad:JOYPAD" inputmask="0x8">
		<bounds x="150" y="170" width="20" height="20"/>

<!-- up -->
		<element ref="button" inputtag=":ctrl1:joypad:JOYPAD" inputmask="0x10">
		<bounds x="50" y="140" width="20" height="20"/>
<!-- down -->
		<element ref="button" inputtag=":ctrl1:joypad:JOYPAD" inputmask="0x20">
		<bounds x="50" y="200" width="20" height="20"/>

<!-- left -->
		<element ref="button" inputtag=":ctrl1:joypad:JOYPAD" inputmask="0x40">
		<bounds x="20" y="170" width="20" height="20"/>

<!-- right -->
		<element ref="button" inputtag=":ctrl1:joypad:JOYPAD" inputmask="0x80">
		<bounds x="80" y="170" width="20" height="20"/>


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For fun, I thought I'd add the ability to move the overlay up and down with keypad 2 and 8, adjust the alpha with keypad 4 and 6, and turn the overlay off and on with [ and ]

function iifnot0(a,b,c) if a~=0 then return b else return c end end


function drawoverlay()
dpadx,dpady = 50,originy padx,pady = 30,30 cposx,cposy = 120,originy rposx, rposy = 190,originy
buttons = {up = 16, down = 32, left = 64, right = 128, a=1, b=2, select=4, start=8} 
buttonpos = {up = {dpadx, dpady-pady},  down = {dpadx,dpady + pady}, right = {dpadx+padx, dpady}, left={dpadx-padx, dpady}, select={cposx, cposy}, start={cposx+padx,cposy}, b={rposx,rposy},a={rposx+padx,rposy}}
if displayoverlay==true then
for i,j in pairs(buttons) do 
   0x00ffffff | math.floor(alphavalue*255)<<24, 
   iifnot0(manager.machine.ioport.ports[":ctrl1:joypad:JOYPAD"]:read() & buttons[i], 
     0x00ff0000 | math.floor(alphavalue*255)<<24, 
     0x00000000 | math.floor(alphavalue*255)<<24))
 manager.machine.screens[":screen"]:draw_text(buttonpos[i][1]+2, buttonpos[i][2]+4, i,
     0xffffff | math.floor(alphavalue*255)<<24)
if input:code_pressed(input:code_from_token("KEYCODE_OPENBRACE")) then displayoverlay = false end
if input:code_pressed(input:code_from_token("KEYCODE_CLOSEBRACE")) then displayoverlay = true end
if input:code_pressed(input:code_from_token("KEYCODE_8PAD")) then originy = originy - 1 end
if input:code_pressed(input:code_from_token("KEYCODE_2PAD")) then originy = originy + 1 end
if input:code_pressed(input:code_from_token("KEYCODE_4PAD")) then alphavalue = alphavalue-0.01 if alphavalue<0 then alphavalue=0 end end
if input:code_pressed(input:code_from_token("KEYCODE_6PAD")) then alphavalue = alphavalue+0.01 if alphavalue>1.0 then alphavalue=1.0 end end


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By the way, I do apologize for not having had a chance to dig into this. My weekend was topsy-turvy schedule-wise, and this week I just don't have much spare time. I'll get onto this this coming weekend.

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If it helps, I added a framecounter display on the layout.

Interestingly, it seems to use up all the textures if you set the maxstate of the counter to something like 999999.
If I omit the maxstate, it will "wrap" the counter at 2048.

Searching font Liberation Sans in -. path/s
Matching font: 0x55578a018070
Searching font Liberation Sans in -. path/s
Matching font: 0x55578a957cf0
Searching font Liberation Sans in -. path/s
Matching font: 0x55578a983500

and if I set the maxstate to "99999" then it will count up to 4523 and fatal error
Searching font Liberation Sans in -. path/s
Matching font: 0x55c577436580
Searching font Liberation Sans in -. path/s
Matching font: 0x55c5774f96f0
Ignoring MAME exception: renderer_ogl::texture_create: texture hash exhausted ...
Fatal error: renderer_ogl::texture_create: texture hash exhausted ...
Average speed: 99.42% (74 seconds)


<mamelayout version="2">
	<element name="button">
		<rect state="1"><color alpha="0.5" red="1.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0"/></rect>
		<rect state="0"><color alpha="0.5" red="0.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0"/></rect>

<group name="controller">

<!-- a -->
		<element ref="button" inputtag=":ctrl1:joypad:JOYPAD" inputmask="0x1">
		<bounds x="220" y="170" width="20" height="20"/>
<!-- b -->
		<element ref="button" inputtag=":ctrl1:joypad:JOYPAD" inputmask="0x2">
		<bounds x="190" y="170" width="20" height="20"/>

<!-- select -->
		<element ref="button" inputtag=":ctrl1:joypad:JOYPAD" inputmask="0x4">
		<bounds x="120" y="170" width="20" height="20"/>

<!-- start -->
		<element ref="button" inputtag=":ctrl1:joypad:JOYPAD" inputmask="0x8">
		<bounds x="150" y="170" width="20" height="20"/>

<!-- up -->
		<element ref="button" inputtag=":ctrl1:joypad:JOYPAD" inputmask="0x10">
		<bounds x="50" y="140" width="20" height="20"/>
<!-- down -->
		<element ref="button" inputtag=":ctrl1:joypad:JOYPAD" inputmask="0x20">
		<bounds x="50" y="200" width="20" height="20"/>

<!-- left -->
		<element ref="button" inputtag=":ctrl1:joypad:JOYPAD" inputmask="0x40">
		<bounds x="20" y="170" width="20" height="20"/>

<!-- right -->
		<element ref="button" inputtag=":ctrl1:joypad:JOYPAD" inputmask="0x80">
		<bounds x="80" y="170" width="20" height="20"/>


	<element name="framecount"><simplecounter align="2" /></element>

	<view name="Controllers Overlay">
		<screen index="0">
			<bounds x="0" y="0" width="256" height="240" />
		<group ref="controller">
		<element ref="framecount" id="framecount">
	  		<bounds x="0" y="0" width="50" height="10"/>

-- file is the layout file object

print("LAYOUT LOADED = "
print("LAYOUT LOADED  file.device.shortname = "..file.device.shortname)
print("LAYOUT LOADED  file.device.tag = = "..file.device.tag)

	function ()

file.views["Controllers Overlay"].items["framecount"]:set_element_state_callback(
		function () 
		return machine.screens[":screen"]:frame_number()




Last edited by Golden Child; 11/01/23 09:27 AM.
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And a framenumber on the lua script:

function iifnot0(a,b,c) if a~=0 then return b else return c end end


function drawoverlay()
dpadx,dpady = 50,originy padx,pady = 30,30 cposx,cposy = 120,originy rposx, rposy = 190,originy
buttons = {up = 16, down = 32, left = 64, right = 128, a=1, b=2, select=4, start=8} 
buttonpos = {up = {dpadx, dpady-pady},  down = {dpadx,dpady + pady}, right = {dpadx+padx, dpady}, left={dpadx-padx, dpady}, select={cposx, cposy}, start={cposx+padx,cposy}, b={rposx,rposy},a={rposx+padx,rposy}}
if displayoverlay==true then
for i,j in pairs(buttons) do 
   0x00ffffff | math.floor(alphavalue*255)<<24, 
   iifnot0(manager.machine.ioport.ports[":ctrl1:joypad:JOYPAD"]:read() & buttons[i], 
     0x00ff0000 | math.floor(alphavalue*255)<<24, 
     0x00000000 | math.floor(alphavalue*255)<<24))
 manager.machine.screens[":screen"]:draw_text(buttonpos[i][1]+2, buttonpos[i][2]+4, i,
     0xffffff | math.floor(alphavalue*255)<<24)
framenum = manager.machine.screens[":screen"]:frame_number()
 manager.machine.screens[":screen"]:draw_text(5,5,"Frame Number: "..framenum,
     0xffffff | math.floor(alphavalue*255)<<24)
 manager.machine.screens[":screen"]:draw_text(5,5,"Frame Number: "..framenum.."   "..string.rep(" ",framenum % 10 * 2)..framenum % 10,
     0xffffff | math.floor(alphavalue*255)<<24)
if input:code_pressed(input:code_from_token("KEYCODE_OPENBRACE")) then displayoverlay = false end
if input:code_pressed(input:code_from_token("KEYCODE_CLOSEBRACE")) then displayoverlay = true end
if input:code_pressed(input:code_from_token("KEYCODE_8PAD")) then originy = originy - 1 end
if input:code_pressed(input:code_from_token("KEYCODE_2PAD")) then originy = originy + 1 end
if input:code_pressed(input:code_from_token("KEYCODE_4PAD")) then alphavalue = alphavalue-0.01 if alphavalue<0 then alphavalue=0 end end
if input:code_pressed(input:code_from_token("KEYCODE_6PAD")) then alphavalue = alphavalue+0.01 if alphavalue>1.0 then alphavalue=1.0 end end


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[Linked Image from]

layout version:

[Linked Image from]

Last edited by Golden Child; 11/01/23 05:06 PM.
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