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QMC2 is my primary front end for MAME, and now that I have, with the assistance of a couple of forum members managed to get the latest version running on my iMac (Yay!) I'd like to look into the feasibility of a couple of features I'd like to see included in a future version;

- Command Line mode - QMC2's log window currently displays the entire command line upon the launch of a game. Might it be possible for QMC2 to (via a keystroke or menu setting) display the command line in an editable dialog box, allowing the user to temporarily add, subtract, or change a parameter for that game launch, for testing purposes, as needed?

- Multiple 'Favorites' (Playlists) - Many years ago, there existed an application called 'MAMETunes', which was a MAME front end modeled after iTunes. One of the more useful features was the ability to create multiple 'playlists' giving the user the ability to, for example, create a favorites list for himself, and a second favorites list for a friend, or a favorites list of a particular genre of game, or control type, etc. (Think iTunes playlists, or iPhoto albums). Can this functionality be recreated within QMC2?

Last edited by MAMEBase; 03/24/24 11:35 PM.

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Look, you need to understand that the project is basically on life support. No-one is actively developing it. I’ve effectively inherited it, but I’m already over-worked with MAME, so I’m not going to be doing anything besides issue triage and reviewing pull requests. Belegdol isn’t planning to do anything besides updating it to keep it running.

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Further to this, your thread feels makes me feel like this is a, “Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile,” situation. No-one is under any obligation to maintain René’s project. Belegdol and I are already going out of our way to be nice. But it just leads to more demands. That’s not very motivating.

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My apologies... It was not in any way my intention to cause anyone additional stress... I was unaware of the development status of the project, and was under the mistaken impression that it was once again under active development... I was merely asking about the possibility of considering additional features at some unspecified point in the future...

No demands were intended, nor should be inferred... I appreciate your efforts (as well as those of the entire MAME Dev team), and I consider this question asked, and answered...

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I thought that I replied to this earlier but can‘t see the post. Second attempt:
- Command Line Mode: Frankly that seems no good idea, as QMC allows you to tweak settings for each game in the Configuration tab, thus in the UI. You can do these tweaks on the fly, without saving them. So you really do not need more.
- Multiple Favs: Ok this is missing, but probably a huge design change. At least the carver.ini view provides you for some dedicated sorting, and this view can be very useful. But of course, nothing like Favs.
Maybe this helps a bit. Cheers.

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