Heh, oh yeah - i think i signed up for that in the first week of owning a Mac
What i meant really was that (presumably, Apple don't give too much away on the site) select membership is a bit like an MSDN membership (which i get) where for your $500 you get your ADC Select level and it gives you the Leopard Preview releases and stuff dropped through your door on CD?
Or do online WDC memberships get that anyway? I wasn't in the Mac world when Tiger was in the pipeline!
What is a kick in the nuts is that it didn't dawn on me to check it out in too much detail before i bought my iMac. Some time afterwards i thought to get on the phone to apple, only to find out that the discount i would have got on the ��1500 i spent on my intel imac with my 1 hardware discount per year would have more or less (give or take a little bit) paid for the 1st year's WDC select membership. How gutted did i feel then!!
Still I'm now pleased that 6 months on my iMac still doesn't feel even vaguely dated. I wouldn't have got that in the PC world i don't think.
Anyway, had some uncertain news (at best) on the job front yesterday which has actually given me the kick up the backside i've needed for a long time to sit down and learn some Mac and Cocoa. So, here i am sitting writing an OpenGL screen saver
All good fun (if a little off-topic!).
All i can say about ObjC though is :-s
I got to about page 60 of the proper Apple Guide / Book and was so baffled that i googled for tutorials. Now it's starting to fall into place a bit what the book was waffling on about