I'm not sure why I'm replying to this at all given the tone of your message. Remember that Audio Overload is a freeware project developed by R. Belmont and me in our spare time.
Think about how much money you've spent to use Audio Overload, and perhaps then consider if you would be better placed showing a little gratitude rather than the angry ranting tone visible in your post.
Originally posted by Murray:
Well, NES Turtles Tournament Fighters STILL doesn't work.
Look at the change history. Notice any update to the NSF engine? Funny, there's none. As such, there won't be any compatibility changes there. Besides, your problem was already answered
in detail by the Game Music Box author . Did you read his comments?
Are you EVER going to update the .GSF engine?
As of this post, I will not be looking at GSF again until mid-2006 at the earliest. It is not a format I care about, and as the only thing it seems to generate is whinging (you're not the first) I've decided I simply don't need the hassle.
Why did you disable the .SPC channel selections?
The SPC channel selection support is a bug, which has already been fixed for the next release. If you had read the change log in the read me file, you could probably have worked this out yourself; note that the SPC engine was replaced altogether recently, and the person who did that forgot to reimplement channel muting.