Gong along with the same bug I mentioned a few posts up, the Bubsy 2 voice bytes (set found at SNESMusic) don't seem to play in the Mac version either.
If it helps for testing, I'm using a Mac Intel machine.
Can anyone explain to me on why the PS2 Square games were not working previously, on a technical level? Is it because the games' music were a PITA to emulate?
But anyway, good job, Arbee.
Last edited by Washu-Chan; 01/06/0803:53 AM.
"HERE CUM DA GUARDS" - Multiball start, Swords of Fury (1988)
There's a very minor bug in the "jump" button for the Windows 32-bit version. Only the number farthest to the left is inputed (12 becomes 1, 210 becomes 2, 91 becomes 9).