Do you have coder's cable (or BBA)? I could (and I will - on weekend most likely) whip up a small application to load AO memory image into AICA. This way I will have 3 players, AO, DKDSF (Makaron based) and Dreamcast

BTW, I just cleaned up my DKDSF (and found yet another bug in my AICA) and now it's more standalone. Just one EXE + dcram.bin and it will play - Win32 only of course. If anyone wants to see how badly it sounds, I can share

No DSP, FEG, PLFO or resonance filter though.
It uses (obviously) same ARM core as AO but my AICA is a bit different. For one, AO with debug output on channel K-ON shows it starts with channel 0x2f or so. DKDSF starts with channel zero...