...from the DOS command-line, for example:
mess vectrex -cart mess/image/vectrex/'armor attack by gce (1982).bin' -view 'Armor Attack overlay'
To denote folders in Windows or DOS you do not use (/), you need to use (\). I am using Win XP SP2.
If I use this line (Just tested under 0.125):
D:\MESS>mess.exe vectrex -cart d:\mess\software\vectrex\armor.zip -view 'Armor Attack overlay'I receive the error:
Error: unknown option: AttackIf I use this line:
D:\MESS>mess.exe vectrex -cart d:\mess\software\vectrex\armor.zip -view "Armor Attack overlay"The correct game loads but the overlay does not. MESS brings up the last overlay I viewed. I have the vectrex.lay file inside vectrex.zip, along with all the correctly named *.png file, and the overlay is named "Armor Attack overlay" inside the lay file.
Thinking perhaps there is a problem if there are spaces, multiple and/or long names assigned to the overlay, I modified the information in the vectrex.lay file to read "Armor" instead of "Armor Attack overlay". This time I did not receive an error message if I use an apostrophes ('), as well as still not receiving an error message if I use quotes ("). However, as was the case when I received no error before, the artwork overlay does not change, but brings up the last overlay I viewed whether I used the apostrophes or quotes.
Manually selecting the overlay (Hitting 'Tab' key and navigating to Video Options) works perfectly. However, it still appears you cannot have MESS select the overlay automatically repecting the Vectrex driver (At least under Windows XP).