Heh, I'm glad I dragged 2.0b9 out of the trashcan after finding out the 2.0 version didn't work

. I won't upgrade too soon though, this mini still packs a punch, especially with Leopard. And it's very quiet, the Intel ones are noisier. But it's tempting to get one of those Intel minis... or those shiny new 21" aluminum iMacs, especially with the nice prices in Europe right now.
But if AO works on the G5 I could just run it on my work machine. I also have another G4 to test on.
If you really want to spend/waste time on it I can open a PPC G4 with VNC/Remote Desktop with dev tools installed and all, you should be able to just test on that without too much effort (although I imagine anything else would be killing).