So many new test drivers was added in the last builds.
I used the days to find/fix the missing rom sets.

My own status of the ROM sets
Correct : 603
Incorrect : 15
Total : 618
Now I can continue the tests.
SVN revision 3273
Correct : 617
Incorrect : 11
Total : 628
I have a question to the Mess -verifyroms
vip : chip8.bin (512 bytes) - INCORRECT CHECKSUM:
EXPECTED: CRC(438ec5d5) SHA1(8aa634c239004ff041c9adbf9144bd315ab5fc77)
FOUND: CRC(5e035c8e)
romset vip is bad
mekd2 : jbug.rom (1024 bytes) - INCORRECT CHECKSUM:
EXPECTED: CRC(a2a56502) SHA1(60b6e48f35fe4899e29166641bac3e81e3b9d220)
FOUND: CRC(5ed08792)
romset mekd2 is bad
cybikov1: cyrom112.bin (32768 bytes) - INCORRECT CHECKSUM:
EXPECTED: CRC(9e1f1a0f) SHA1(6fc08de6b2c67d884ec78f748e4a4bad27ee8045)
FOUND: CRC(268da7bf)
romset cybikov1 is bad
cybikoxt: cyrom150.bin (32768 bytes) - INCORRECT CHECKSUM:
EXPECTED: CRC(18b9b21f) SHA1(28868d6174eb198a6cec6c3c70b6e494517229b9)
FOUND: CRC(268da7bf)
romset cybikoxt [cybikov1] is bad
comx35p : 80.column.card.u3 (2048 bytes) - INCORRECT LENGTH: 17 bytes
comx35p : mc6845.font.u (2048 bytes) - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset comx35p is bad
comx35n : 80.column.card.u3 (2048 bytes) - INCORRECT LENGTH: 17 bytes
comx35n : mc6845.font.u (2048 bytes) - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset comx35n [comx35p] is bad
newbrain: cop420.419 (1024 bytes) - INCORRECT LENGTH: 8192 bytes
newbrain: 8248r7.453 (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset newbrain is bad
newbraim: cop420.419 (1024 bytes) - INCORRECT LENGTH: 8192 bytes
newbraim: 8248r7.453 (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset newbraim is bad
newbraia: cop420.419 (1024 bytes) - INCORRECT LENGTH: 8192 bytes
newbraia: 8248r7.453 (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset newbraia [newbrain] is bad
newbraiv: cop420.419 (1024 bytes) - INCORRECT LENGTH: 8192 bytes
newbraiv: 8248r7.453 (4096 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset newbraiv [newbrain] is bad
If for these drivers no (good) dumps exist, is it no better to show as best available rom sets ?