Here's how to build SDLMAME 0.137 on Linux/*BSD/OS X:
0a) It's assumed you have SDL installed. For Linux/BSD refer to our
sticky post for the correct thing to tell yum or apt.
0b) For Mac OS X, go to the
SDL download page and download the .dmg under "Runtime Libraries" then "Mac OS X". When the .dmg opens, use the Finder to drag the SDL.Framework folder into your /Library/Frameworks folder. That's it. (If you've previously run SDLMAME you probably don't need to do this again unless your installed SDL is older than 1.2.14).
1) Download MAME 0.137 from You want the .zip. Unzip it (which creates then unzip that to create a mame0137 folder and contents.
2) In a command window, cd into the mame0137 folder. If this is an integer release (0.137, 0.138, etc) skip to 3). For a u1/u2/uX release, continue with the "2.5" steps immediately below this.
2.5a) For non-integer releases (u1, u2, etc), unzip the .diff files and the "endings" utility from
here into your mame folder.
2.5b) Run tne "endings" utility with ./endings.
2.5c) Patch the source. For each patch starting with u1, type
patch -p0 <0.137u1.diff (change the .diff filename to match your version). Go in order: apply u1, then u2, then u3.
2.5d) EXCEPTION: if you previously patched your source and a new "u" version is out, you only need to do a
make clean and apply the new patch. The previous patches will stay there unless you unzip the base version again.
3) For Intel 32 and 64-bit and PowerPC builds on Windows, Linux, *BSD, and OS X the makefile will auto-detect your OS and you simply can type "make" or "make -j3" for dual-cores.
Last edited by R. Belmont; 03/27/10 10:56 PM.