I'm a little confused by how "official" this software is... as far as putting it into a softlist or something, these are all BASIC programs like you would type in from a computer hobbyist magazine, correct? Or was this more like commercial software?
I really don't know what is considered "official" since I didn't get my Apple-1 hex dumps from old magazines. So your guess is nearly as good as mine as to how "official" my Apple-1 codes are.
Yes these games could be typed into the Apple-1 monitor.
My files are from free Apple-1 hex dumps available all over the Internet anyone can download freely and use freely for the Apple-1 computer.
I will say I did get most of the freely distributed hex dumps from Briel Computers. I didn't see anything on their web page to make me believe it was illegal or morally wrong to convert their Apple-1 hex dumps into working wave files compatible for MESS Apple-1. All but three programs are BASIC games by the way.
If you or anyone believes my Apple-1 wave files don't belong in the software list, or if anyone believes my Apple-1 wave files don�t belong in MESS at all, I will gladly take them down.
I don't want any trouble. I just wanted to share these Apple-1 programs/games so others can enjoy them in MESS.