I'm new to this forum and if this topic doesn't belong here please let me know.
With the death of Steve Jobs it got me curious about the first computer that started it all, the Apple-1. Since I�ve been using MAME for many years as my arcade emulator, it just made sense to use MESS for my computer emulation needs. Mainly I wanted to use MESS to see how the Apple-1 computer operated. I noticed MESS provides cassette emulation for the Apple-1 using .wav audio format. This is a unique feature, and one that makes sense because it allows software programs to be loaded into the Apple-1 with relative ease as apposed to physically typing out several thousand lines of code. What I quickly found out however .wav files for MESS Apple-1 are nearly nonexistent!
The only solution to this problem was simple. I had to learn how to make my own .wav files. I did just that. I have successfully converted Apple-1 hex dumps (binary code) into perfectly working .wav files fully compatible for the MESS Apple-1 emulator. The binary codes I used are freely distributed, so I don�t believe I�m infringing on any copyright laws.
Here are some of the Apple-1 .wav programs and games I currently have:
Apple 1 Basic Apple Star Trek (1976) StarTrek2003 Blackjack Bowling Buzzword Craps Deal or No Deal Hamurabi HiLo Life Lunar Lander Mastermind Microchess Monitor Slots Wari WordCross
I would like to contribute to MESS by providing my Apple-1 .wav files so others can use them. How do I go about doing this?
Here is what a few of the Apple-1 games look like in MESS with a green color overlay and HLSL enabled. Personally I think MESS looks better than OpenEmulator with the graphic options. Yes the games are very primitive but this was 1976.
EDIT: Peter Jennings' microchess (see his site at http://www.benlo.com/microchess/ ) exists for many other systems as well; I think it may have started out for the KIM-1, and commodore even made a dedicated standalone chess system licensed from peter in 1978 called the Commodore ChessMate which is INSANELY RARE; it uses two mask rom MIOT/RRIOT chips inside and a 6502, and is a wanted dump. Peter Jennings is a really cool guy in general, he hunted down some ancient source code for one of his programs when I asked him.
Last edited by Lord Nightmare; 02/02/1207:55 AM.
"When life gives you zombies... *CHA-CHIK!* ...you make zombie-ade!"
I'm pretty sure lunar lander was loading in MESS at some point and I managed to play it.
Anyway, it would be really great to see these other programs too, since I find these old systems (not only the Apple 1, but also the TRS-80 Model 1 and the CBM PET) very fascinating despite their age
Yes I think you're right Microchess did start out for the KIM-1. I chose to use this particular version of Microchess by Peter Jennings because it seemed to work the best.
I didn't know much about it either until fairly recently. What I found most interesting is how programs were loaded in the Apple-1 from a cassette tape!
I'm pretty sure lunar lander was loading in MESS at some point and I managed to play it.
Anyway, it would be really great to see these other programs too, since I find these old systems (not only the Apple 1, but also the TRS-80 Model 1 and the CBM PET) very fascinating despite their age
Thanks for the contribution!
Thank you and your welcome! I'm glad you find these old Apple-1 programs fascinating. I will definitely be adding many more in the near future for download!
I'm pretty sure lunar lander was loading in MESS at some point and I managed to play it.
Anyway, it would be really great to see these other programs too, since I find these old systems (not only the Apple 1, but also the TRS-80 Model 1 and the CBM PET) very fascinating despite their age
Anonymous01: did you contact Milodrag or someone else via the mess.org/contact.php page yet about these? I'd like to try some.
No I haven't contacted anyone from mess.org yet. It's highly unlikely I will get a response from them anyway due to the amount of e-mails they receive.
I can submit all the Apple-1 wave files here if you like. Would that be okay with you?
I think this will be not a big roblem, what do you think Arbee? All other A1 emulators + the Replica publish the Apple 1 Basic and the games too (ASCII format). They are mostly Basic programs, except Lunar Lander, Microchess and of course the Apple 1 Basic.
Hopefully, your basic.wav is working on the current MESS.
I think this will be not a big roblem, what do you think Arbee? All other A1 emulators + the Replica publish the Apple 1 Basic and the games too (ASCII format). They are mostly Basic programs, except Lunar Lander, Microchess and of course the Apple 1 Basic.
Hopefully, your basic.wav is working on the current MESS.
A lot of the games I have also require basic to be loaded first like other Apple-1 emulators.
I think this will be not a big roblem, what do you think Arbee? All other A1 emulators + the Replica publish the Apple 1 Basic and the games too (ASCII format). They are mostly Basic programs, except Lunar Lander, Microchess and of course the Apple 1 Basic.
Hopefully, your basic.wav is working on the current MESS.
A lot of the games I have also require basic to be loaded first like other Apple-1 emulators.
All wave files should now be working correctly. For anyone who downloaded the previous zip please delete it and use this one. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Without knowing exactly what you did wrong. The first thing I would suggest is to make sure you are in "full emulation" before you hit "Enter" after typing E000R. You can check if you are in full emulation by hitting "Scroll Lock". If you are not if full emulation, just hit the "Scroll Lock" key again.
C100R (hit enter) E000.EFFFR (play) E000R (must be in full emulation before you hit "Enter")
I hope that makes sense? Let me know if that helps.
Without knowing exactly what you did wrong. The first thing I would suggest is to make sure you are in "full emulation" before you hit "Enter" after typing E000R. You can check if you are in full emulation by hitting "Scroll Lock".
C100R (hit enter) E000.EFFFR (play) E000R (must be in full emulation before you hit "Enter")
I hope that makes sense? Let me know if that helps.
Thanks for your fast feedback. So far I remember me, the keyboard was in the full emulation mode. I forgot to mention that I have no problems to load Assembler games like Lunar Lander or Microchess on MESS and they need the full emulation mode too.
C100R (Press Enter) E000.EFFFR (Press Enter) (Press play Tape) (After the cursor drop down I stop the Tape reading because the driver make it not automatically) E000R (Press Enter)
are you using the newui in MESSUI? because I can't see how do you start and stop the tape in full keyboard emulation (which makes internal UI not available )
anyway, it makes no difference: I use the same steps as the ones you posted with the only difference that I also switch from partial emulation to full emulation before entering E000R, and the result is the same
EDIT: I have just created a software list for these tapes. this should make the files easy to find even if the mediafire link would expire. (@Anonymous01: if you want to be credited with a different name, just drop a message)
are you using the newui in MESSUI? because I can't see how do you start and stop the tape in full keyboard emulation (which makes internal UI not available )
anyway, it makes no difference: I use the same steps as the ones you posted with the only difference that I also switch from partial emulation to full emulation before entering E000R, and the result is the same
You are very clever, eta. Anyway, I tried both (MESS with NewUI and the standard MESS)
PS: The MESS with NewUI has a menu option on the top to switch between the partial and full Keyboard emulation.
This is a puzzle to me, as I have no problems loading basic. I want to ask you a few questions. This will help me narrow things down a bit.
What version of MESS are you using? Are you using MESSUI or the command line version?
Another thing you can try: Don�t �rush� through the program. Wait a few seconds (every time) before you hit the enter key.
Also always use the �Tab� key to enter all your �play tape� �stop� commands. (you have to be in partial emulation to do that). The only time you have to be in full emulation is when hitting the enter key after E000R.
Another thing you can try: Don�t �rush� through the program. Wait a few seconds (every time) before you hit the enter key.
tried. no difference.
Originally Posted by Anonymous01
Also always use the �Tab� key to enter all your �play tape� �stop� commands. (you have to be in partial emulation to do that). The only time you have to be in full emulation is when hitting the enter key after E000R.
there is no other way in baseline MESS to handle the tapes. so this cannot be the culprit here
If you use MESSUI what is your RAM size (Properties/Configuarion) for this driver?
My computer is old. I have 1.5 GB of RAM.
There is only one thing I can think of that may be causing your basic loading problem. After you press play, always exit to the monitor by the "Return to System" on the bottom (make sure to press the "Enter" key and not mouse clicking "Return to System").
In the past that has caused me the very same problem you are having. It's worth a try.
If you use MESSUI what is your RAM size (Properties/Configuarion) for this driver?
My computer is old. I have 1.5 GB of RAM.
There is only one thing I can think of that may be causing your basic loading problem. After you press play, always exit to the monitor by the "Return to System" on the bottom (make sure to press the "Enter" key and not mouse clicking "Return to System").
In the past that has caused me the very same problem you are having. It's worth a try.
I was asking for the RAM size of the apple1 driver (MESS) On MESSUI you can reach the properties if you select the apple1 driver and the menu option "File/Properties". Go now to the tab "Configuration".
If you use MESSUI what is your RAM size (Properties/Configuarion) for this driver?
My computer is old. I have 1.5 GB of RAM.
There is only one thing I can think of that may be causing your basic loading problem. After you press play, always exit to the monitor by the "Return to System" on the bottom (make sure to press the "Enter" key and not mouse clicking "Return to System").
In the past that has caused me the very same problem you are having. It's worth a try.
I was asking for the RAM size of the apple1 driver (MESS) On MESSUI you can reach the properties if you select the apple1 driver and the menu option "File/Properties". Go now to the tab "Configuration".
If you use MESSUI what is your RAM size (Properties/Configuarion) for this driver?
My computer is old. I have 1.5 GB of RAM.
There is only one thing I can think of that may be causing your basic loading problem. After you press play, always exit to the monitor by the "Return to System" on the bottom (make sure to press the "Enter" key and not mouse clicking "Return to System").
In the past that has caused me the very same problem you are having. It's worth a try.
I was asking for the RAM size of the apple1 driver (MESS) On MESSUI you can reach the properties if you select the apple1 driver and the menu option "File/Properties". Go now to the tab "Configuration".
Opps sorry about that. The RAM size is 48k.
OK, this is the default size so it can not be the reason.
Thanks, if I use your settings I still have the same problems. When i try using E000R it just freezes up.
I think you may have answered this already (I'm too tired to check) but are you using ONLY the standard MESS? I ask because something like QMC2 http://qmc2.arcadehits.net/wordpress/about/ could have a negative affect.
You�re obviously very intelligent so I hope I�m not insulting your intelligence.
Unfortunately, I can not use the copy/paste function to insert basic dump text.
Yes I know. MESS still needs to fix the copy/paste function. Well I'm not going to give up, but I am going to call it a day for now.
I'm sorry basic didn't work for you. I do know there is a solution because my wave files work for me. The solution is probably a simple one that we missed. I would like to help you find a solution.
in fact, it cannot have *any* negative effect, since it does not interfere at all with the emulator after launching it from command line. anyway, we already sorted out the fact that two devs (me and Robbbert) and two testers (Anna and Kaylee) cannot launch BASIC from command line either. so it's not a problem in the way we launch the emulator. it's probably something *after* emulation is launched
Originally Posted by Anonymous01
Yes I know. MESS still needs to fix the copy/paste function. Well I'm not going to give up, but I am going to call it a day for now.
the unfortunate part is that it only works for you, at the moment
however, this does not change the great value of your contribution and I hope our comments does not sound ungrateful. it's mostly the excitement of having new tapes to try and the frustration of not being able to do so because of issues with the BASIC
Anyway, thanks again a lot for the tapes.
EDIT: cool we now have a working BASIC tape! w00t!!!
EDIT: cool we now have a working BASIC tape! w00t!!!
I think we need to find the flaw that causes the others to fail tho.
I did suspect a mono/stereo thing, but some of the tapes that work are stereo. Maybe something uninitialized, that might explain why one image works for Anon01 and not for the rest of us.
Great to see some tape dumps, even better if it helps uncover a flaw in MESS and gets it fixed ;-)
For Haze info: In the source is the threshold for the polarity detection, it is set to 0.0 - adjusting even slightly produces greatly different results. It seems unduly sensitive, so I can only guess that Anonymous01's wav file is on the borderline of acceptability. That is why I got MESS to save a new file which should be 100% reliable.
Also, the Apple1 has no error detection or checksums.. if it loads wrong you won't know till something goes wrong.
Robbert> yes, but if his wav file works for him then there must be a bug in MESS, results should not be specific to the hardware on which MESS is being run!
in fact, it cannot have *any* negative effect, since it does not interfere at all with the emulator after launching it from command line. anyway, we already sorted out the fact that two devs (me and Robbbert) and two testers (Anna and Kaylee) cannot launch BASIC from command line either. so it's not a problem in the way we launch the emulator. it's probably something *after* emulation is launched
Originally Posted by Anonymous01
Yes I know. MESS still needs to fix the copy/paste function. Well I'm not going to give up, but I am going to call it a day for now.
the unfortunate part is that it only works for you, at the moment
however, this does not change the great value of your contribution and I hope our comments does not sound ungrateful. it's mostly the excitement of having new tapes to try and the frustration of not being able to do so because of issues with the BASIC
Anyway, thanks again a lot for the tapes.
EDIT: cool we now have a working BASIC tape! w00t!!!
I don't know if I should be happy or pissed, but you're welcome for the tapes.
I'm tired and my anger is starting to bleed through. Have a good day.
just to be clear, I was interested in the confirmation you gave because as Haze pointed out there should be no difference in behavior depending on the computer MESS is run on. so if there is a bug in Apple 1 tape handling inside MESS, no matter how subtle, it would be good to identify it and to fix it so my inquiries were to find out if it was MESS fault and to spot the culprit, not to piss you off
I'm curious - Anonymous01 says repeatedly that his BASIC loads, but he never said it *runs*. Which would therefore match the problem everyone else was having. Could we get that clarified?
the description in his text file included with the wavs indicates that a > prompt should appear after loading basic.
this simply doesn't happen in MESS on my system with his files.
by including the instructions it would suggest he thinks it should load / run, and does for him :-) also I believe it's confirmed the same file runs on another emulator, and in my testing the .mp3 posted elsewhere (converted back to wav) behaves in the same way (for me) as the .wav included here.
personally I think this points at a MESS bug, possibly something uninitialized throwing off the load process, RAM simply doesn't contain what you'd expect it to contain after loading the tape.
I'm tired and my anger is starting to bleed through. Have a good day.
just to be clear, I was interested in the confirmation you gave because as Haze pointed out there should be no difference in behavior depending on the computer MESS is run on. so if there is a bug in Apple 1 tape handling inside MESS, no matter how subtle, it would be good to identify it and to fix it so my inquiries were to find out if it was MESS fault and to spot the culprit, not to piss you off
"the only thing I can think of, at this point, is that maybe you packed a different version of the BASIC wav than the one you are using.
it's a bit strange that the other BASIC works and yours only works at your end..."
I apologize for being testy. It just sounded as though I was being blamed for basic not working.
I would also like to add: Why would I deliberately submit (or carelessly) pack a different version of BASIC than the one I�m using? That makes no sense. Surely you can see why I would be a little offended?
I would also like to add: Why would I deliberately submit (or carelessly) pack a different version of BASIC than the one I�m using? That makes no sense. Surely you can see why I would be a little offended?
I'm sure most people have have (accidentally) done worse, so it's standard procedure to make sure to ask people to double check if problems arise.
It's amazing how many times a problem comes down to something like the wrong file being sent, although in this case, because the .mp3 found elsewhere exhibits the same issues, and people can use the files you've posted successfully elsewhere I'm 99% sure it's a MESS issue.
"the only thing I can think of, at this point, is that maybe you packed a different version of the BASIC wav than the one you are using.
it's a bit strange that the other BASIC works and yours only works at your end..."
I apologize for being testy. It just sounded as though I was being blamed for basic not working.
I would also like to add: Why would I deliberately submit (or carelessly) pack a different version of BASIC than the one I�m using? That makes no sense. Surely you can see why I would be a little offended?
maybe the problem is English not being my first language, but I really see no offense in what I wrote.
I assumed that since you originally posted that you had to clean/remove some files when preparing the pack and since you changed the pack after less than one hour after the original post, I just feared that maybe you had packed the wrong file by mistake. it often happens to me, in other contexts. I really don't see where you took the idea of an accusations about deliberate wrong file submission?!? If anything, we all have been very happy of your submission as is, so I'm quite puzzled...
Anyway, it still remains the fact that your wav never loads the proper content to RAM in current MESS for anyone except you, so it would really be interesting to find where the emulation diverges in our computers compared to yours.
can you try to start MESS with the -debug switch and check the content of RAM after BASIC is loaded. it could help to know which kind of differences you have compared to Robbbert...
I do hope the MESS team is able to isolate these problems. It would be nice to see these Apple-1 programs in an official MESS build (if that is possible). At the very least it would be good to know (most) of my wave files are fully compatible with MESS.
I do hope the MESS team is able to isolate these problems. It would be nice to see these Apple-1 programs in an official MESS build (if that is possible). At the very least it would be good to know (most) of my wave files are fully compatible with MESS.
External software and ROMs are always excluded in the official MAME/MESS releases but the Apple 1 software titles are already listed now for the hash folder.
"the only thing I can think of, at this point, is that maybe you packed a different version of the BASIC wav than the one you are using.
it's a bit strange that the other BASIC works and yours only works at your end..."
I apologize for being testy. It just sounded as though I was being blamed for basic not working.
I would also like to add: Why would I deliberately submit (or carelessly) pack a different version of BASIC than the one I�m using? That makes no sense. Surely you can see why I would be a little offended?
maybe the problem is English not being my first language, but I really see no offense in what I wrote.
I assumed that since you originally posted that you had to clean/remove some files when preparing the pack and since you changed the pack after less than one hour after the original post, I just feared that maybe you had packed the wrong file by mistake. it often happens to me, in other contexts. I really don't see where you took the idea of an accusations about deliberate wrong file submission?!? If anything, we all have been very happy of your submission as is, so I'm quite puzzled...
Anyway, it still remains the fact that your wav never loads the proper content to RAM in current MESS for anyone except you, so it would really be interesting to find where the emulation diverges in our computers compared to yours.
can you try to start MESS with the -debug switch and check the content of RAM after BASIC is loaded. it could help to know which kind of differences you have compared to Robbbert...
I don't know what it is about you but you have a way of rubbing me the wrong way.
I can see now why you thought I submitted the wrong basic. I would have probably thought the same thing as you. The reason I deleted my first zip was not because I had a problem with basic, it's because I had given the wrong load instruction for Hamurabi. The Hamurabi.wav file itself was fine.
The reason your statement offended me is because I took great care to insure all of my wave files were working properly (at least they are working for me anyway).
With the next issue: I have very little experience working with the -debug switch. I�m not a MESS programmer. So this is something you may have to walk me through.
Anyway no hard feelings. I hope I haven't offended you. You and the rest of the people here are an outstanding bunch of individuals.
I do hope the MESS team is able to isolate these problems. It would be nice to see these Apple-1 programs in an official MESS build (if that is possible). At the very least it would be good to know (most) of my wave files are fully compatible with MESS.
External software and ROMs are always excluded in the official MAME/MESS releases but the Apple 1 software titles are already listed for the hash folder.
I do hope the MESS team is able to isolate these problems. It would be nice to see these Apple-1 programs in an official MESS build (if that is possible). At the very least it would be good to know (most) of my wave files are fully compatible with MESS.
External software and ROMs are always excluded in the official MAME/MESS releases but the Apple 1 software titles are already listed for the hash folder.
That's awesome! Thank you for showing me that!
May you can help to complete the list like for Microchess:
<software name="microchs">
<info name="usage" value="Load at 1000.18FFR, enter at 1000R" />
<part name="cass" interface="apple1_cass">
<dataarea name="cass" size="4952">
<rom name="microchess.wav" size="4052152" crc="9b3ca487" sha1="2317cc4a7609ebaaf2ef9e23b5f11eda4d1fbf29" offset="0" />
Wow nice job! I remember that Star Trek game being printed out in an issue of A+ magazine and typing that whole thing in to play it on my Apple II. I felt so accomplished at 11 years old after I got it saved to a disk and could play it repeatedly..
That's interesting. My first computer was the "redheaded stepchild" of computers back in 1984 or 85, a used Texas Instruments TI-99/4A given to me by my uncle. I also remember typing out programs to play games. Those were the days!
It should now be possible to paste in that BASIC hex dump, I find you need to hit Enter a few times first or it does E(00 instead of E000. Also the dump is too big to do in one paste so you have to split it up.
Deal or No Deal? is this a resent game made for apple 1, or an older game made into the game show?
From what I understand it's a recent game made for the "Apple 1 Replica". The Apple-1 hex dumps are freely distributed from "Briel Computers" I used the "Deal or No Deal" hex dump so it can be used for MESS Apple-1.
It should now be possible to paste in that BASIC hex dump, I find you need to hit Enter a few times first or it does E(00 instead of E000. Also the dump is too big to do in one paste so you have to split it up.
Two questions:
01. Is the copy/paste function correctly/fully working now? 02. Is it necessary to paste a BASIC hex dump? It's my understanding someone found a working basic.wav file.
I posted a fully-working wave file created by MESS, but seems it was ignored. It has now been deleted.
To simplify matters in my local build, I will most likely add the basic as a rom.
Why would your basic wave file be ignored? A number of people seemed to be working hard on finding a basic wave that worked. I certainly didn't ignore it. I downloaded it as soon as you posted it (even though the one I have already works).
I wanted to ask you, how were you able to make a fully-working wave file in MESS? Will you please teach me step by step exactly how you did that? I'm very interested!
I thought the wave file from (extremely well known Apple archive named after a science fiction author) worked fine? I don't understand why Justin is pasting in hex dumps and Robbbert is hoarding wav files.
I thought the wave file from (extremely well known Apple archive named after a science fiction author) worked fine?
So one of your hobbies according to your profile is mischief? I believe it.
I know how to make .wav files from hex, but I'd like to know how Robbbert is able to do it in MESS. The wave files created in MESS would be much more stable and compatible.
Anon01: A long time ago someone posted a file containing a MP3 and a BIN of the basic. It may have even been this forum, but since the search doesn't work, you'll probably be unable to find it.
Steps: - Place BIN file in the same folder as MESS - start apple1 in debug mode: mess apple1 -debug - load the BIN file into memory: load basic.bin,e000,1000 - start the apple1: g - click on the apple1 window - use the device menu to create a new tape (basic.wav) - use the device menu to choose Record - C100R - E000.EFFFW - When the prompt returns, use the device menu to choose Stop - use the device menu to choose Unmount. - click in the debug window and enter q
All done. Make sure you turn off the debug switch next time (use -nodebug).
If you want to use MESSUI, right-click on Apple1, choose Properties, Debug, Activate Integrated Debugger.
I'm curious - Anonymous01 says repeatedly that his BASIC loads, but he never said it *runs*. Which would therefore match the problem everyone else was having. Could we get that clarified?
I know this is an old post but I still want to answer your question. I'm able to play basic games. Would that not be possible if my BASIC.wav was not loaded and properly working?
I got BASIC working from the tape Kaylee posted, I'm just saying that the keyboard issues that were preventing pasting from working at all are now fixed. Even if you load BASIC from tape it's still quite useful to be able to e.g. paste in a BASIC program listing.
It's still not 100% because the shift key can be a bit sticky (probably due to bug 1685) and because of bug 687 which it would be nice if someone on the MAME side could deal with (the buffer size is now defined in emu/ioport.c).
I have been able to paste code but the paste function would never paste the colon. (:)
Yes, this is the very thing I just fixed in SVN (along with other punctuation).
This is good news! So will your fixes be available in the next version of MESS? Forgive me for asking what may seem like a stupid question. I'm the "Noob Kid On The Block" and I have no idea how these things work.
I also want to ask: Which Apple-1 wave files I submitted (except basic of course) are not working for you?
Not tested at all. Lunar Lander, Mastermind, Microchess and StarTrek2003 are working.
What is not tested at all? Are you saying all the other games besides the ones you mentioned still need to be tested?
Not know but I�am surely not alone here to test all. ; ) Don�t forget the feedback from Robbbert about another Basic game. Believe me, I have to do a lot of other things too.
To paste the colon seems to fixed now, thanks. Unfortunately, I still can not paste the full Basic dump, it stops after a while. Maybe it is too much and the buffer is not big enough.
Judge actually has a patch that lets the buffer grow dynamically attached to the bug cited earlier in this thread. Would be nice if someone could test it and maybe apply it before 0.145.
Judge actually has a patch that lets the buffer grow dynamically attached to the bug cited earlier in this thread. Would be nice if someone could test it and maybe apply it before 0.145.
The patch is not submitted right now, correct? If so it�s difficult to check.
There's a buffer issue after 4096 characters, i'm trying to make it grow with 4096 each time it overflows. Which is better than just always allocating a big buffer imo.
There's a buffer issue after 4096 characters, i'm trying to make it grow with 4096 each time it overflows. Which is better than just always allocating a big bugger imo.
01. New "Basic" wave file (thanks to Robbbert!) 02. New game "Football" 03. New comprehensive instructions for loading games and programs 04. New "Blackjack" wave and correct load instructions 05. New "StarTrek.txt" game instructions
My new basic.wav is working. If it were not correctly working it would not be possible to load and play Apple-1 basic "football".
I'm a little confused by how "official" this software is... as far as putting it into a softlist or something, these are all BASIC programs like you would type in from a computer hobbyist magazine, correct? Or was this more like commercial software?
I'm a little confused by how "official" this software is... as far as putting it into a softlist or something, these are all BASIC programs like you would type in from a computer hobbyist magazine, correct? Or was this more like commercial software?
I really don't know what is considered "official" since I didn't get my Apple-1 hex dumps from old magazines. So your guess is nearly as good as mine as to how "official" my Apple-1 codes are.
Yes these games could be typed into the Apple-1 monitor.
My files are from free Apple-1 hex dumps available all over the Internet anyone can download freely and use freely for the Apple-1 computer.
I will say I did get most of the freely distributed hex dumps from Briel Computers. I didn't see anything on their web page to make me believe it was illegal or morally wrong to convert their Apple-1 hex dumps into working wave files compatible for MESS Apple-1. All but three programs are BASIC games by the way.
If you or anyone believes my Apple-1 wave files don't belong in the software list, or if anyone believes my Apple-1 wave files don�t belong in MESS at all, I will gladly take them down.
I don't want any trouble. I just wanted to share these Apple-1 programs/games so others can enjoy them in MESS.
I'm a little confused by how "official" this software is... as far as putting it into a softlist or something, these are all BASIC programs like you would type in from a computer hobbyist magazine, correct? Or was this more like commercial software?
If you buy a magazine (commercial product) with a listing in, surely it is a commercial release, just using 'paper' for storage media, instead of tape or floppy ;-)
Given the very small amount of software for the system, I think it's unproductive to split hairs as to its origin. Include everything, Mars Needs Test Cases!
If you buy a magazine (commercial product) with a listing in, surely it is a commercial release, just using 'paper' for storage media, instead of tape or floppy ;-)
I hope the lists in the future will include disks from magazines also. Like you said they are commercial software just stored differently.
AFAIK they're already eligible, or at least any Magazine CDs were included when I did the CD softlists. I don't think there was ever any issue with those being seen as commercial.
Some demo versions can be pretty interesting / different versions of the games.
Anyway, lets not derail the topic. Test software is always interesting, and while I doubt a program done in basic is going to push the limits of a machine and show up emulation issues it's still worthwhile to show that the driver works, the chances of somebody wanting to run a driver with *no* known software is rather minimal :-)
AFAIK they're already eligible, or at least any Magazine CDs were included when I did the CD softlists. I don't think there was ever any issue with those being seen as commercial.
Some demo versions can be pretty interesting / different versions of the games.
Anyway, lets not derail the topic. Test software is always interesting, and while I doubt a program done in basic is going to push the limits of a machine and show up emulation issues it's still worthwhile to show that the driver works, the chances of somebody wanting to run a driver with *no* known software is rather minimal :-)
This is certainly good news. Thank you for the positive feedback! :-)
I agree different versions of games can be pretty interesting. What I�ve come to find, different versions of games can actually be better in many cases than the original.
On topic with regards to a driver with no known software: How boring!
SHORT DESCRIPTION: c2t is a command line tool that can convert binary code/data and/or Apple-1/II Monitor text, as well as 140K disk images, into audio files suitable for use with the Apple-1 and II (II, II+, //e) cassette interface.