To further clarify conditions of actually reporting a bug to be logged, I'll list links to some documents. A bit to read through, yes, but needed if you plan to be post an accepted bug or become a serious bug tester. The less work needed for administration of bugs leads to a much better system which is why there are restrictions in place.
Rules and Guidelines regarding site operation and bug reporting.
Legend - What do all the colors, fields, categories and other terms mean?
Tutorial - A Step-by-Step guide to help you through your bug reports.
In particular, it is important to note that there are many bugs which are known to the developers. These bugs may or may not be listed in the source code. Rather than needlessly racking up bugs which may never be looked at or addressed, they decide when a system or console they are working on has emulation complete enough to reasonably expect error free usage. Until such time, systems which are not expected to work without issue are "flagged" for various reasons, depending on the core issue. These reasons are clearly shown to you when you first start the emulation as a normal,
RED screen which you must type "OK" to.
These warnings are to be heeded and effect whether or not bugs are reportable at MAMETesters. Below is a list of such flags which you must pay attention to and the exceptions that apply:
"THIS GAME DOES NOT WORK PROPERLY" - Do not submit ANY bugs except heavy regression.
"THE SOUND EMULATION IS NOT 100% ACCURATE" - Do not submit sound bugs except heavy regression.
"THE VIDEO EMULATION IS NOT 100% ACCURATE" - Do not submit video bugs except heavy regression.
"THIS GAME LACKS SOUND" - Do not submit sound bugs.
Heavy regression is defined as a major to complete loss of function from previously noted standard behavior. The only time these flags can be ignored is if the game itself crashes or hangs your emulator before you are able to type "OK" to the warning screen.
Hopefully this text will help people understand the reasoning why there are so many rules and restrictions related to bug reporting. We look forward to your helpful reports!