Out of curiosity, what’s the status regarding x68k games? I believe pretty much all commercial stuff was preserved right? Save maybe a few doujin games.
As per all the other major Jp computers several things aren't dumped since they mostly derive from early '00 (at best) full sets, which in turn shares sub-optimal tape/disk file formats & questionable default formats -> save data
watermarks from whoever dumped those, sometimes said disks weren't even actually commercialized but are in the sets as a sort of QoL (*) for fixing emulation (user is supposed to create them most often than not).
You can dig around Jp sources, for x68k undumped SWs count amounts to hundreds if not thousands, a partial (possibly outdated) list is in the source
here(*) Returning to QoL here, I wonder if it's a good idea to actually sort out the available PC-98 HDIs and make that an actual SW list:
1. DOS(/V) gaming is particularly hostile to QA, you have to first install it and prey you don't have anything in the guest env that don't interfere for a successful SW boot;
2. Several naive installers loves to brick your autoexec.bat / config.sys (needs a good Jp knowledge), it's obviously trivial to unbrick it with a minimal DOS knowledge but heh;
3. Several stuff may refer to specific configurations we don't have and eventually need to be done in emulation anyway;
4. Several stuff there is plain
unobtanium on the native media, with the obvious catch about fetching 25+ years old media like floppies/CD and pray that the money & time spent don't go down the drain.
5. It can eventually be deleted once we fill in the blanks anyway.