Intro In the past few days since Sandro Ronco got CP/M-80 to boot on the DMV driver (thanks!) I have (re-)dumped a lot of the NCR Decision Mate V (DMV) ROMs, have taken loads of pictures and documented the different sets of hardware I have. Now the BIOS and 8741AD ROM versions from the mainboard can be implemented as matching sets.
This called for a new arrangement and naming of the files in order to present them properly. The option modules now carry their proper NCR designation, and the ROM files have their version numbers.
In this thread I�ll gather all the useful information about the DMV from the old �Requirements� thread which can then be used solely for the discussion of the DEC Rainbow 100. The NCR DMV is in its most basic configuration a Z80 machine with one 320K DSDD Floppy drive with 64K RAM and a monochrome monitor.
There were configurations with dual drives, one drive and internal harddisk, color monitor and graphics card, and it was easily extendable by plugging in modules in the various slots in the back of the machine.
Slot 1 was reserved for RAM extension modules (64K, 192K and 448K) Slots 2-6 could be used for various extensions with a slot 2A on the back of the mainboard for an internal harddisk adapter Slot 7 (and the inward facing 7A) were reserved for CPU modules and the Diagnostics module. On multilayer mainboards (mine all are) Ctrl-F20 resets the machine.
All page numbers in the posts below reflect the actual page in the PDF file, not the original page in the manual.
NCR DMV- DEC Rainbow- Siemens PCD- ITT 3030-Oly People- Acorn A5000- Olivetti M20
Mainboard: Machines with a monochrome monitor have a brightness and contrast knob on the front panel, and a volume potentiometer soldered directly to the mainboard. Color machines have a brightness and volume knob on the front panel. The position of the loudspeaker is also different. (Mainboard info see NCR System info, page 117ff, 266ff, CP/M-86 System Technical Manual page 54ff, System Technical Manual Hardware page 18ff). The meaning of the diagnostics LEDs can be found in the CP/M-80 System Technical Manual, page 60. A BIOS listing can be found in the Hardware System Technical Manual, page 88ff, electronic schematics from page 230ff (multilayer board).
Graphics Boards: Depending on the monitor built into the enclosure, a monochrome or color graphics board based on the NEC �PD7220 was available with either 32K (mono) or 96K (color) video memory (see NCR DMV System Info , page 101ff, 272ff). Programming examples for the 7220 can be found in the CP/M-86 System Technical Manual , page 59ff and CP/M-80 System Technical Manual , page 61ff. Info on the Monitors used in the System Technical Manual Hardware page 72f, from page 240ff electronic schematics.
The K200 64K module is missing from my collection (Schematics in the System Technical Manual Hardware, page 268ff). If you add the 64K RAM from the mainboard to the values printed on the K202 and K208 modules, you get the �round� 128K, 256K and 512K total RAM values. Infos in the System Technical Manual Hardware, page 83ff
The port addresses of the DMV expansion modules can be found on page 64 in the NCR DMV Hardware Extensions File , interface selection is described in the System Technical Manual Hardware, page 34. I�m missing the following modules: K600 Decision Net networking adapter (�Omninet Transporter�, see NCR DMV Hardware Extensions File, page 1ff and NCR DMV System Info page 57ff), K215 Buffered sync/async adapter (see NCR DMV Hardware Extensions File, page 30ff and NCR DMV System Info page 42ff), K211 RS232 communications adapter, K213 RS232 Plotter adapter, K219 Integrated Modem, K216 SCC Communication interface (see NCR DMV System Info , page 46ff), K233 Shared RAM adapter (see NCR DMV System Info page 50ff), K223 DLC inhouse interface (see NCR DMV System Info, page 66ff). I�ve got blank modules (K 214, K217 and K218), they are the shell plus some breadboard with the appropriate connector.
Boot disk for the DMV�s OSs are contained in this archive, along with images of diagnostics disks. The disk �DMVTEST.mfi� was created in MESS and contains CP/M-80 and some programs to toy with as well as the well-known DMV graphics capability slideshow (, see post �current status�)
Currently (r31292) the DMV driver boots CP/M-80 and runs quite a number of programs, e.g. the �ladder� game that is remembered by many people
The emulated DMV freezes whenever text scrolls off the screen:
The missing graphics mode prevents a number of software items from running on the DMV driver, such as the DMV graphics demo that can be seen here . It is included on the 580TEST.mfi disk image. Maybe the graphics mode can be gleaned from the Epson QX-10 driver that uses the same video chip.
I have created a file with ASCII graphics of the pinout for the expansion and CPU expansion bus (dmvbus.c) and the pinout of the diagnostics module (dmvdiag.c)