Ok, I have now dumped them.
From a binary compare, they are very similar to the ones on bitsavers, however there are a few addresses that contain differences in most of my ROMs:
* 0x0AE to 0x0B2
* 0x18F
* 0x2CE
* 0x2F9
* 0x2FD to 0x300
In addition to these, all three of my ROMs have an extra byte inserted at 0x301, shifting the remaining content by one byte compared to the bitsavers version. I am pretty confident that the one I have is a revision of the same microcode, but I am not 100% sure if it's an earlier or later revision. My card has an earlier serial number (12675 vs 13109), but the datecode on the chips of my card (sprint 1983) is also just a little later in general than the one on bitsavers.
*EDIT*I had a bit of a look around on the bitsavers page, and my ROMs match the one in this directory:
http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/westernDigital/WD100x/WD1001_NCR_Decision_Mate_V/ Further looking on the different folders, it seems like all of the different cards there have either the one linked on page 12 of this thread, or the one I got.