I seem to have the worst luck getting mame to compile properly.
I'm getting this error now:

In file included from ../../../../../src/emu/machine/netlist.c:17:0:
../../../../../src/emu/netlist/devices/net_lib.h:53:24: fatal error: nld_mm5837.h: No such file or directory
 #include "nld_mm5837.h"
compilation terminated.
optional.make:7301: recipe for target '../../../../mingw-gcc/obj/x64/Release/src/emu/machine/netlist.o' failed make[2]: *** [../../../../mingw-gcc/obj/x64/Release/src/emu/machine/netlist.o] Error 1♪◙make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
Compiling src/emu/cpu/arcompact/arcompact.c...
makefile:79: recipe for target 'optional' failed
make[1]: *** [optional] Error 2
makefile:739: recipe for target 'windows_x64' failed
make: *** [windows_x64] Error 2

I used the following commandline:
make -j5 NOWERROR=1 USE_NETWORK=1 sse4=1 TOOLS=1 PTR64=1 TARGET=mame
Any ideas?