I kill that issue. Microsoft OneDrive was messing with it. Why would it be pointing at the drive E not C? Some weird shit Microsoft have done.

Edit... Remember close Microsoft OneDrive and then reboot before run make. All good on this part. Other word disabled it!

One problem left still. Moving it to drive C to test out.

Archiving liboptional.a...
makefile:777: recipe for target 'windows_x64' failed
make: *** [windows_x64] Error 2


Moved buildtools and Source to C drive.

Made another Bat file with Kill command. I ran it first. Hope it killed stuff that might be messing with the files.

TASKKILL /f /im explorer.exe
START explorer.exe

Then I'm running the Run_Make.Bat file which was rename from Make.Bat.

Still running some test.


All fix now. Problem solved. smile

W11 Home 64-bit + Nobara OS / AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT / AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core 3.59 GHz / RAM 64 GB