The PLAs look ok on the 0972?
- microinstructions to the left of the ROM
- main opcode redirectionm at mid-top of die
- output pla at left of die

The Mr.Challenger VSM, what was the pinout like?
Is a newer TMS6125 you have (for example Touch n Tell) the same pinout?
(1) as in TMS6125 datasheet
       DATA/ADD1 | 1    16 |  NC
       DATA/ADD2 | 2    15 |  NC
       DATA/ADD4 | 3    14 |  NC
       RCK       | 4    13 |  NC
       CLK       | 5    12 |  VDD
       DATA/ADD8 | 6    11 |  CS
       NC        | 7    10 |  M1
       M0        | 8     9 |  VSS

       DATA/ADD1 | 1    16 |  NC
       DATA/ADD2 | 2    15 |  NC
       DATA/ADD4 | 3    14 |  NC
       DATA/ADD8 | 4    13 |  NC
       CLK       | 5    12 |  VDD
       NC        | 6    11 |  /CS
       NC        | 7    10 |  M1
       M0        | 8     9 |  VSS
I want to make MAME TMS6100 emulation more accurate. The current one is from 2010. That was before we added Speak & Spell driver.

*edit* RCK I think is a gate/mask to CLK, maybe this was the thing you were having trouble with when reading it out.

Last edited by hap; 12/29/15 05:12 PM.