Thanks, 3 layers is fine. In the steps, I forgot to mention to change page units to px. I also lowered the width to a more sensible approx 2000 pixels. I didn't touch up the colors, those are your choice.

On the MESS artwork page, gckong already has the ladders added, based on your work. Picture:
The proper way to do this is by recreating the artwork with vectoring, but what you did (edited photo?) is fine too.

Outer bezel, control panel, etc. falls under decorative artwork. It's not required to be able to play the game. If you want, it can be added here:

Anyway, Ultraman is now playable. Fun game =)
The problem with the plates was a mistake in bit shuffling before sending the data to the renderer, this is corrected now.

Last edited by hap; 04/05/16 11:10 AM.