Additional info from the driver i plan to remove (to reduce bloat):
// DEC RD TYPE (MByte) CYL ---- HEADS ---- MODEL (typical)
// DEC RD50 (5 Mbyte): 153 cyl. 4 heads -- ST506
// DEC RD51(10 Mbyte); 306 cyl. 4 heads -- ST412
// DEC RD31(20 Mbyte); 615 cyl. 4 heads -- ST225
// DEC RD52(32 Mbyte); 512 cyl. 8 heads -- Q540 [!]
// DEC RD32(40 Mbyte); 820 cyl. 6 heads -- ST251 [!]
// DEC RD53(67 Mbyte); 1024 cyl.8 heads -- 1325 [!]
// [!] More than 4 heads. Prepare with WUTIL and / or DSKPREP.
// WD1010 controller has a built-in limit of 8 heads / 1024 cylinders.
// - the DEC boot loader (and FDISK from DOS 3.10) initially allowed a maximum hard disc size of 20 MB.
// - the custom boot loader that comes with 'WUTIL 3.2' allows 117 MB and 8 surfaces.
// - MS-DOS 2 allows a maximum partition size of 16 MB (sizes > 15 MB are incompatible to DOS 3)
// [ no more than 4 partitions of 8 MB size on one hard disk possible ]
// - MS-DOS 3 - and Concurrent CPM - have a global 32 MB (1024 cylinder) limit
// - a CP/M-86-80 partition can have up to 8 MB (all CP/M partitions together must not exceed 10 MB)
Next step would be the hookup of serial/printer interfaces and the 7201.
I feel like i have to reinvent the wheel
How do i actually use the internal terminal (invoked from the GUI)...?
Driver WIP: