For mame you'll want to use the isbc28612 driver. The irmx86 install disks come from .
Instructions for isbc 286/10-12 with default system monitor and 214 or 215/218 HDD/FDD controller.
HDD type Quantum Q540 chs 512,8,9 bps 1024 (formatted drive can be any size unformatted must be a type from page 103, Note: the images from bitsavers only support W, IW, CM, CMB, QMA and an unknown type IWB)
Insert disk 147025
Start machine wait for . prompt.
Type "b :wf0:" (0 is the unit number, wf1 for unit 1 etc.)
Enter date dd/mm/yyyy
Enter time 24 hour hh:mm:ss
Type "super" with empty pass
Type "submit /instal.csd(qma0, 1, 6750)" (first is device name, qma0 is for quantum q540 others are listed on page 111 of above doc, second is interleave, third is max files on fs, intel suggests 125 per MB)
The drive will then be low level formatted then the base system will be copied.
You will then be asked to reboot.
To mount a floppy use "attachdevice wmfdy0 as f0" then "dir :f0:" to access and "deatchdevice f0" to umount.
Install the rest of the cli commands with by mounting 147113 and running "super" and "submit :f0:instal.csd(:f0:)".