Originally Posted by shattered
Originally Posted by R. Belmont
Heh. 48K Apple II games could pretty much be mechanically ported to anything with a 6502 and an agreeable memory map.

Here's another find (from http://agatcomp.ru/Pravetz/SuperGames.shtml) -- apple2-based arcade board (fits inside the CRT case) with Mario translation patch

Not in MAME (yet :))

[Linked Image from agatcomp.ru]

I've took a stab at it but failed. If starting address is 0 (i.e. this dump is mapped at $C000 so that start address is read from $3FFC), then code makes some sense, but treats memory at $00xx as RAM, then accesses unknown slot devices and finally jumps into unknown (no matter what I add to $4000 it doesn't look like useful code):
                  * = 0000
0000   E4 FF      CPX $FF
0002   A9 AD      LDA #$AD
0004   85 00      STA $00
0006   A9 E8      LDA #$E8
0008   85 01      STA $01
000A   85 05      STA $05
000C   A9 95      LDA #$95
000E   85 03      STA $03
0010   A9 00      LDA #$00
0012   85 04      STA $04
0014   A9 C0      LDA #$C0
0016   85 02      STA $02
0018   A9 D0      LDA #$D0
001A   85 06      STA $06
001C   A2 07      LDX #$07
001E   F8         SED
001F   D8         CLD
0020   2C 50 C0   BIT $C050
0023   A2 01      LDX #$01
0025   8E A0 C0   STX $C0A0
0028   AD E0 C0   LDA $C0E0
002B   8D 00 12   STA $1200
002E   E6 15      INC $15
0030   D0 F6      BNE $0028
0032   E6 16      INC $16
0034   E8         INX
0035   E0 70      CPX #$70
0037   90 EC      BCC $0025
0039   4C 00 40   JMP $4000