I really wanted to have a proper "delay after a CR" during a paste so that after a CR, you'd have a delay while the computer would process the line of input.

If you have a key pressed too long on the Apple2e, it starts to auto repeat. So you want your delay AFTER the CR has been pressed and released.

Calling m_timer->adjust(choose_delay(m_buffer[m_bufbegin])); doesn't really give you a proper delay amount, especially since this function gets executed at least twice for each keypress/release.

I wrestled mightily with the function natural_keyboard::timer to get a delay that was "long" without triggering the autorepeat.

This function actually first "presses" all of the fields for a given keycode, then it releases them one by one each time it gets called after that. It seems really counter-intuitive. One of the things that really threw me for a loop is that it does things "reversed" like field->set_value(!m_status_keydown). m_status_keydown comes in as false, it sets all the fields, then it flips the m_status_keydown.

I haven't tested this very much, but it seems to work for the couple of pastes I've thrown at it.

void natural_keyboard::timer(void *ptr, int param)

attotime next_delay = attotime::from_msec(20);  
	if (!m_queue_chars.isnull())
		// the driver has a queue_chars handler
		while (!empty() && m_queue_chars(&m_buffer[m_bufbegin], 1))
			m_bufbegin = (m_bufbegin + 1) % m_buffer.size();
			if (m_current_rate != attotime::zero)
		// the driver does not have a queue_chars handler

		// loop through this character's component codes
		const keycode_map_entry *const code = find_code(m_buffer[m_bufbegin]);
		bool advance;
		if (code)
				assert(m_fieldnum < ARRAY_LENGTH(code->field));
				ioport_field *const field = code->field[m_fieldnum];
				if (field)
					// special handling for toggle fields
					if (!field->live().toggle)
					else if (!m_status_keydown)
			while (code->field[m_fieldnum] && (++m_fieldnum < ARRAY_LENGTH(code->field)) && m_status_keydown);
			advance = (m_fieldnum >= ARRAY_LENGTH(code->field)) || !code->field[m_fieldnum];

// if we're at a CR then let's set the next delay for 5 seconds
 if (m_status_keydown && (m_buffer[m_bufbegin] == '\r') && (advance)) next_delay = attotime::from_msec(5000);
			advance = true;

		if (advance)
			m_fieldnum = 0;
			m_status_keydown = !m_status_keydown;

			// proceed to next character when keydown expires
			if (!m_status_keydown)
				m_bufbegin = (m_bufbegin + 1) % m_buffer.size();


       // m_status_keydown has already been flipped for the next invocation
	// need to make sure timerproc is called again if buffer not empty
	if (!empty())
