Joined: Feb 2014
Posts: 1,102 Likes: 173
Very Senior Member
Very Senior Member
Joined: Feb 2014
Posts: 1,102 Likes: 173 |
I thought I'd see if I can have the arcade board's AY-3-8912 make some beeps. But I need to have some delays or it doesn't work. Without delays everything happens all at once... so let's fiddle some more with coroutines. The advantage of this is that we can call a delay() function. So for example if you want for i = 1,60 do
delay(2) -- delays for 2 frames
end then you call:
add_func_string([[local i; for i=1,30 do sound(7,24); settonevol(0,175,8); delay(2); settonevol(0,175,0); delay(2); end ]])
and what's cool is that you can enter little tests from the command line quite easily with add_func_string.
-- ===========================================================================
function frame_dispatcher()
for index,my_func in pairs(dispatch_list) do my_func() end
function dispatch_list_remove(a_func)
for my_index,my_func in pairs(dispatch_list) do if my_func == a_func then table.remove(dispatch_list,my_index) end end
function print_dispatch_list() for my_index,my_func in pairs(dispatch_list) do print(my_func) end end
print("type cld() and hit enter to stop a runaway dispatch")
if already_registered_frame_dispatcher == nil then
already_registered_frame_dispatcher = 1
function cld()
dispatch_list = {}
-- ===========================================================================
coroutine_frame_list = { }
function coroutine_frame_dispatch()
local i,thread
for i,thread in pairs(coroutine_frame_list) do coroutine.resume(thread) end
for i = #coroutine_frame_list,1,-1 do if coroutine.status(coroutine_frame_list[i]) == "dead" then table.remove(coroutine_frame_list,i) end end
function delay(frames)
local f
for f = 1,frames do coroutine.yield() end
function add_func_exec(myfunc)
local newthread
newthread = coroutine.create(myfunc)
function add_func_string(func_string)
local newfunc
newfunc = assert(loadstring(func_string))
if newfunc ~= nil then add_func_exec(newfunc) end
function addco()
-- once you clear your dispatch list, you must add the coroutine_frame_dispatch
-- to get the coroutine_dispatch to work
function lobyte(x)
return x & 255
function hibyte(x)
return (x & (255<<8))>>8
function checkrange(x,lo,hi)
if not(x >= lo and x <= hi) then print("checkrange failed ",x,lo,hi); return false
else return true; end
aystr = ":sl7:ssprite:ssprite_ay"
aystr = ":sl4:arcbd:arcbd_ay"
function sound(regnum,value)
function settone(chan,tone)
if checkrange(chan,0,2) then
regnum = chan*2
function setvol(chan,vol)
if checkrange(chan,0,2) then
regnum = chan+8
function settonevol(chan,tone,vol)
-- two different ways to add a function, pass a function to add_func_exec
-- or pass add_func_string a string and if you use double brackets you don't have to escape the quotes
add_func_exec(function () local i; for i = 1,10 do print("yoyo",i);delay(5);end end)
add_func_string("local i; for i=1,15 do print(\"hello\",i);delay(5); end")
-- sound(7,24) turns on sound ABC and turns off the noise channels
add_func_string([[local d; local i; for d = 1,4 do print("delay="..d) for i=1,30 do sound(7,24); settonevol(0,175,8); delay(d); settonevol(0,175,0); delay(d); end end ]])
Last edited by Golden Child; 11/07/17 09:06 AM.
Entire Thread
8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/29/16 08:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
R. Belmont
11/29/16 08:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
11/29/16 08:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
11/29/16 09:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
11/29/16 09:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
11/29/16 10:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
11/29/16 11:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
03/02/17 06:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
R. Belmont
03/02/17 07:18 PM
Konan David Jr II
05/01/17 06:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
R. Belmont
05/11/17 01:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
Golden Child
05/14/17 10:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
R. Belmont
05/14/17 04:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/21/17 05:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/21/17 06:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
08/23/17 11:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/24/17 06:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
08/24/17 10:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/25/17 01:38 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
09/01/17 02:01 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/25/17 01:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/25/17 03:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
08/25/17 06:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/26/17 12:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/27/17 11:55 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/01/17 12:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
09/12/17 11:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/01/17 05:52 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/15/17 08:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/06/17 08:12 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
09/06/17 08:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/06/17 12:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/06/17 03:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/06/17 04:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/06/17 04:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/06/17 05:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
09/07/17 09:31 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/07/17 12:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/07/17 04:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/14/17 07:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/11/17 10:01 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/11/17 12:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/12/17 01:57 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/12/17 02:02 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/12/17 04:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/12/17 02:15 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/12/17 11:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/14/17 08:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/14/17 10:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/23/17 08:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/23/17 10:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/24/17 01:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/24/17 01:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/24/17 02:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
09/24/17 02:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/24/17 03:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/24/17 06:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/26/17 12:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/26/17 10:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/27/17 12:13 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/27/17 03:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/27/17 05:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/27/17 07:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/28/17 05:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/17/17 06:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/17/17 06:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/18/17 03:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/18/17 02:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/04/17 11:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/25/17 12:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
09/29/17 09:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/30/17 10:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/02/17 07:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
09/25/17 01:54 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/26/17 11:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/27/17 03:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/28/17 06:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/29/17 04:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/29/17 07:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/02/17 12:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/02/17 12:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Al Kossow
10/03/17 03:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/02/17 02:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/03/17 02:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/03/17 04:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/03/17 02:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/04/17 01:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
10/04/17 01:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/09/17 01:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/04/17 02:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/04/17 05:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/09/17 11:58 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/10/17 02:20 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/10/17 12:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/09/17 01:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/09/17 01:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/10/17 02:09 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/10/17 04:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/10/17 05:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/12/17 12:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/12/17 02:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/12/17 05:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/12/17 06:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/12/17 11:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/18/17 03:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/18/17 07:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/19/17 08:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/25/17 02:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/05/17 04:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/01/17 12:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/05/17 06:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/06/17 01:16 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/07/17 08:55 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/11/17 01:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 02:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/06/17 11:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/22/17 02:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 02:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 02:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/25/17 06:00 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/25/17 06:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/26/17 10:18 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/04/17 12:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/22/17 03:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 03:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/23/17 05:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/23/17 08:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/22/17 03:56 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 04:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 10:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/23/17 09:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/24/17 09:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
03/13/18 02:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/23/18 08:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/25/18 06:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/04/18 08:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/28/18 06:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/13/18 02:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/11/18 11:04 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/11/18 02:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/23/18 03:26 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/23/18 11:49 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/23/18 07:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/23/18 07:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/23/18 08:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/23/18 11:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/24/18 04:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/25/18 12:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/26/18 02:49 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
06/05/18 06:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/05/18 07:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/07/18 10:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
06/08/18 01:14 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/17/18 12:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/10/18 09:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/12/18 06:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/12/18 08:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/12/18 09:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
06/19/18 05:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/01/18 07:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/21/18 12:16 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/21/18 04:13 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/21/18 12:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/31/18 09:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
08/01/18 08:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/01/18 09:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/01/18 11:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/03/18 10:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/03/18 11:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/04/18 10:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/05/18 12:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/05/18 02:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/05/18 02:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/18 05:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
08/10/18 06:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/19/18 12:44 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/21/18 01:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
08/21/18 02:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/23/18 04:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/31/18 01:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/31/18 03:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/31/18 06:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/01/18 12:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/02/18 04:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/02/18 08:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/03/18 01:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/04/18 02:38 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/21/18 02:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/21/18 02:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/23/18 08:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/25/18 01:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/27/18 09:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/28/18 12:19 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/31/18 03:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/31/18 07:20 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/03/18 02:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/03/18 06:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/04/18 08:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/04/18 03:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/04/18 05:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/06/18 06:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/29/18 02:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
10/29/18 05:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/29/18 05:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/29/18 01:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
10/29/18 01:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/29/18 02:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/05/18 12:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/06/18 06:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/14/18 09:15 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/29/18 10:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/03/18 06:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/04/18 11:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
12/04/18 12:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
12/04/18 10:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/06/18 11:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/22/18 03:10 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
12/30/18 01:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
12/30/18 05:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/01/19 12:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/01/19 12:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/09/19 03:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/14/19 10:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/09/19 04:01 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
01/09/19 04:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/09/19 05:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
01/09/19 05:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/09/19 12:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/12/19 03:39 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/14/19 02:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/14/19 03:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/14/19 09:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/30/19 04:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/30/19 05:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/30/19 03:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/30/19 07:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
01/30/19 07:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/31/19 02:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/30/19 09:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/31/19 03:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/31/19 09:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/31/19 02:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/01/19 05:28 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/02/19 01:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/31/19 09:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/31/19 09:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/02/19 06:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/02/19 11:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/03/19 10:35 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/03/19 11:01 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/15/19 08:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/15/19 09:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/16/19 12:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/16/19 12:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/16/19 08:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/16/19 10:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/17/19 03:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/17/19 04:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/17/19 12:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/17/19 01:14 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/17/19 01:44 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/17/19 02:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/17/19 05:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/17/19 06:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/17/19 07:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/17/19 11:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/18/19 12:12 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/18/19 12:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/18/19 12:25 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/18/19 12:30 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/23/19 01:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/23/19 05:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/23/19 07:15 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/25/19 04:49 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/23/19 08:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/23/19 08:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/24/19 08:28 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/26/19 05:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/26/19 05:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/03/19 12:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/03/19 01:55 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/03/19 12:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/03/19 09:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/04/19 04:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
03/04/19 04:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/04/19 02:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
03/05/19 08:30 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/14/19 05:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/15/19 07:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/24/19 12:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/24/19 07:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/25/19 11:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/27/19 02:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
03/24/19 07:52 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/25/19 11:42 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/29/19 03:28 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/29/19 03:42 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
03/29/19 08:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/02/19 01:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/04/19 12:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/07/19 11:35 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/08/19 04:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/08/19 06:05 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/10/19 07:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/10/19 10:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
04/10/19 10:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/11/19 07:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/13/19 08:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/13/19 09:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/13/19 11:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/14/19 10:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/14/19 11:06 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/14/19 02:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/14/19 04:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/16/19 06:52 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/14/19 05:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/14/19 07:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/14/19 08:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/15/19 01:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/16/19 06:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/16/19 07:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/16/19 09:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/16/19 08:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/16/19 09:20 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/17/19 08:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/18/19 01:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/18/19 01:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/20/19 04:36 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/20/19 01:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/21/19 09:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/21/19 04:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/22/19 03:30 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/21/19 11:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/22/19 11:52 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/24/19 10:48 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/23/19 03:20 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/24/19 04:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/23/19 08:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/23/19 09:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/24/19 11:04 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/24/19 11:20 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/24/19 05:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/25/19 04:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/26/19 07:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/27/19 06:52 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/27/19 07:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 12:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 02:20 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/27/19 08:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/28/19 12:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/28/19 11:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/28/19 03:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/28/19 07:15 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/28/19 04:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/29/19 01:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/29/19 02:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/30/19 02:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/02/19 03:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/05/19 03:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/09/19 02:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/03/19 05:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/03/19 06:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/03/19 07:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/09/19 05:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/10/19 12:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/10/19 12:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/10/19 02:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/10/19 05:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/10/19 07:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/10/19 10:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/11/19 08:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/12/19 01:39 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/12/19 11:55 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/12/19 09:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/13/19 02:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/11/19 05:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/11/19 10:58 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/12/19 07:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/12/19 11:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/13/19 02:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/13/19 02:37 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/13/19 03:27 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/13/19 01:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/28/19 06:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/30/19 03:15 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/30/19 03:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/13/19 02:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
05/13/19 04:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/23/19 08:20 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/23/19 11:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/30/19 05:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/31/19 01:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/31/19 02:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
05/31/19 03:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/31/19 05:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/02/19 02:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/23/19 11:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/04/19 11:12 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/05/19 01:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/01/19 08:47 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/01/19 11:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/01/19 09:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/01/19 09:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/01/19 10:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
06/02/19 03:37 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/01/19 11:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/09/19 01:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/23/19 12:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/23/19 05:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/05/19 01:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/05/19 03:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/06/19 05:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/08/19 09:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/08/19 05:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/08/19 06:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/08/19 07:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/08/19 10:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/09/19 02:58 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 10:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/09/19 04:02 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/09/19 10:24 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 01:13 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 02:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 10:57 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 11:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 11:35 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 11:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 04:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 05:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 07:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
08/10/19 07:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 11:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/11/19 04:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 05:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 06:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 06:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 08:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 08:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/11/19 04:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/11/19 08:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/11/19 08:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/11/19 09:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/11/19 11:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/12/19 01:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/13/19 05:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/14/19 09:08 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/15/19 01:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/15/19 04:20 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/20/19 03:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/21/19 02:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/27/19 08:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/13/19 05:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/14/19 02:50 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/14/19 03:06 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/25/19 09:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
08/27/19 06:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/27/19 08:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/27/19 09:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/28/19 01:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/29/19 03:38 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/01/19 11:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/02/19 12:34 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/06/19 09:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/06/19 09:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/06/19 10:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/07/19 01:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/07/19 02:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/07/19 04:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/07/19 05:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/07/19 08:00 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/08/19 01:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/08/19 01:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/08/19 05:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/09/19 09:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/09/19 11:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/10/19 04:48 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/11/19 02:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/11/19 06:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/13/19 04:44 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/13/19 04:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/15/19 07:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
09/09/19 03:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/09/19 03:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/09/19 05:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
09/09/19 07:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/09/19 07:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/15/19 04:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/15/19 05:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/15/19 05:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/15/19 07:00 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/15/19 07:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/15/19 08:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/25/19 11:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/25/19 11:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/26/19 03:31 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/26/19 04:27 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/30/19 04:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/05/19 10:47 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/30/19 11:46 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/01/19 09:37 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/05/19 12:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/01/19 05:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/31/20 11:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/02/19 12:50 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/02/19 02:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/02/19 09:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/02/19 09:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/03/19 11:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/18/20 01:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/18/20 05:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/18/20 06:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/18/20 07:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/18/20 07:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/18/20 08:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/19/20 03:18 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/19/20 07:05 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/19/20 12:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/19/20 01:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/19/20 01:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/19/20 01:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/20/20 03:12 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/20/20 08:02 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/08/20 04:31 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/26/20 06:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/26/20 07:20 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/26/20 07:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/27/20 08:37 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/27/20 11:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/01/20 03:31 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/01/20 10:50 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/27/20 04:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/01/20 11:48 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/27/20 04:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/27/20 06:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/27/20 06:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
06/27/20 08:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
06/28/20 09:01 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/30/20 02:09 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/30/20 01:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/01/20 01:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/01/20 02:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/11/20 10:04 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/11/20 11:52 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/11/20 07:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/11/20 08:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/11/20 08:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/12/20 03:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/12/20 05:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/12/20 05:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/13/20 11:26 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/13/20 09:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/02/20 10:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/16/20 07:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/23/20 03:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/24/20 02:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/24/20 02:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/24/20 02:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/24/20 03:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/24/20 04:00 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/24/20 04:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/24/20 06:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/25/20 01:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/25/20 02:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/04/20 12:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/07/20 04:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/23/20 03:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/23/20 03:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/23/20 03:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/23/20 04:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/23/20 04:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/23/20 04:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/23/20 05:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/23/20 04:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/23/20 07:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/24/20 12:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/24/20 10:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/24/20 10:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/24/20 11:19 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/24/20 03:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/24/20 04:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/24/20 05:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/24/20 05:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/28/20 04:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/29/20 02:10 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/10/20 08:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/11/20 07:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/31/20 01:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/10/20 02:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/31/20 05:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/08/20 06:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/11/20 09:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/11/20 11:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/14/20 03:02 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/14/20 03:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/14/20 05:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/14/20 02:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/14/20 03:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/14/20 04:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/14/20 07:00 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/14/20 11:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/15/20 12:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/15/20 02:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/15/20 11:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/15/20 12:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/15/20 03:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/15/20 03:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/15/20 06:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/16/20 04:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/23/20 05:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/05/20 01:35 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
12/27/20 07:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
12/27/20 07:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/27/20 11:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
12/28/20 12:36 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/28/20 12:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/28/20 08:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
12/28/20 09:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/28/20 11:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/01/21 10:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/06/21 10:43 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/06/21 01:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/06/21 11:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
01/07/21 02:13 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/07/21 02:50 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
01/07/21 03:08 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/07/21 03:24 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/07/21 04:19 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/09/21 04:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/10/21 07:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/10/21 09:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/10/21 10:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/10/21 10:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/10/21 11:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/11/21 01:49 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/11/21 05:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/12/21 10:31 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/12/21 05:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/12/21 09:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/13/21 01:19 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/13/21 08:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/02/21 05:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/02/21 06:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/03/21 07:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/03/21 03:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/06/21 10:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/09/21 03:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Tim Stark
02/16/21 03:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
02/16/21 04:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit
Vas Crabb
04/03/21 06:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit
Golden Child
04/04/21 04:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit
Golden Child
04/04/21 06:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit
Golden Child
04/06/21 03:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 05:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 06:42 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 06:46 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 07:05 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 09:16 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 10:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 12:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 01:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
04/07/21 07:57 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/20/21 09:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 11:34 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 01:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 02:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 02:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 11:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 06:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 10:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/07/21 01:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/07/21 04:27 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/07/21 04:38 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/07/21 10:14 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/08/21 05:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/08/21 01:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/08/21 01:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/08/21 01:56 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/18/21 01:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/03/21 01:36 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/03/21 05:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/09/21 11:36 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/03/21 01:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/06/21 08:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/03/21 01:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
05/03/21 06:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/06/21 03:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/06/21 06:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/06/21 03:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/06/21 03:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/08/21 01:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/09/21 11:42 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/09/21 11:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/10/21 10:15 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/30/21 12:15 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/30/21 01:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/30/21 03:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
05/30/21 02:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/30/21 11:19 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
07/07/21 06:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/30/21 11:36 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/30/21 12:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/24/21 09:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/25/21 01:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/25/21 01:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/18/21 11:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/18/21 11:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/18/21 11:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/19/21 12:46 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/19/21 02:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/19/21 03:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/25/21 12:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
07/25/21 04:25 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/25/21 08:44 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/25/21 12:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/25/21 12:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
07/25/21 02:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/25/21 04:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/28/21 05:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
07/28/21 06:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/28/21 07:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
07/28/21 09:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/02/21 11:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
08/03/21 07:47 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/03/21 11:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
08/03/21 12:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/04/21 02:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/05/21 10:30 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/10/21 04:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
08/10/21 04:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/10/21 07:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/21 07:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/10/21 08:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/11/21 01:49 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/18/21 03:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/18/21 04:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/21/21 05:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/21/21 12:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/21/21 01:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/21/21 01:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/22/21 02:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/22/21 06:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/22/21 11:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/22/21 11:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/23/21 12:28 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/23/21 01:06 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/23/21 04:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/26/21 03:14 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/27/21 01:52 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/27/21 04:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/30/21 10:35 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/30/21 06:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/30/21 06:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/30/21 11:05 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/05/21 07:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/11/21 11:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/16/21 12:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/16/21 03:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/19/21 02:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/01/21 02:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/02/21 05:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/05/21 03:50 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/05/21 01:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/05/21 06:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/05/21 01:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/05/21 07:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/08/21 03:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/08/21 11:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/08/21 11:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/09/21 01:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/30/21 10:39 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/01/21 01:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/05/21 06:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/05/21 06:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/05/21 06:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/07/21 04:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/08/21 01:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
11/17/21 02:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/17/21 09:12 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
12/09/21 06:15 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/27/22 08:15 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/27/22 08:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/29/22 04:25 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/03/22 11:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/01/23 03:46 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/01/23 03:52 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/01/23 07:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/01/23 08:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/01/23 09:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/01/23 11:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/02/23 12:57 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/02/23 02:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/03/23 02:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/16/23 02:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/12/23 03:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/12/23 05:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/10/23 04:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/10/23 11:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
07/10/23 04:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/10/23 11:24 PM
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