So while we're at it, why not do a historygetmaxlen too:

static int l_gethistorytable(lua_State *L)
    int i,j;
    char ** phist;
    int lenhist = linenoiseHistoryGetMaxLen();

    phist = linenoiseHistory(&lenhist); 

    lua_newtable(L); /* put a table on the stack */
    i = 1;

    for (j=0; j<lenhist; j++){
        /* create result table */
        lua_pushnumber(L, i++);  /* push key */
        lua_pushstring(L, phist[j]);  /* push value */
        lua_settable(L, -3);  /* adds key and value to table at position 3 from top of stack */
      return 1;  /* table is already on top */

static int l_historygetmaxlen(lua_State *L)
      lua_pushinteger(L, linenoiseHistoryGetMaxLen());  /* push max len on stack */
      return 1;  /* number of items on stack */

luaL_Reg linenoise_funcs[] = {
    { "linenoise", l_linenoise },
    { "historyadd", l_historyadd },
    { "historysetmaxlen", l_historysetmaxlen },
    { "historysave", l_historysave },
    { "historyload", l_historyload },
    { "clearscreen", l_clearscreen },
    { "setcompletion", l_setcompletion},
    { "addcompletion", l_addcompletion },
    { "preload", l_preloadbuffer },
    { "refresh", l_refresh },

    /* Aliases for more consistent function names */
    { "addhistory", l_historyadd },
    { "sethistorymaxlen", l_historysetmaxlen },
    { "savehistory", l_historysave },
    { "loadhistory", l_historyload },

    { "line", l_linenoise },
    { "lines", l_lines },

    { "gethistory", l_gethistorytable},
    { "historygetmaxlen", l_historygetmaxlen},
    { NULL, NULL }

MAME debugger version 0.191 (mame0191-183-g346a935839-dirty)
Currently targeting a2600 (Atari 2600 (NTSC))
[MAME]> print(ln_global.historygetmaxlen())
[MAME]> print(ln_global.historysetmaxlen(250))
[MAME]> print(ln_global.historygetmaxlen())
[MAME]> function printt(a) local i,j; for i,j in pairs(a) do print(i,j) end end
[MAME]> printt(ln_global.gethistory())
1	print(ln_global.historygetmaxlen())
2	print(ln_global.historysetmaxlen(250))
3	print(ln_global.historygetmaxlen())
4	function printt(a) local i,j; for i,j in pairs(a) do print(i,j) end end