Joined: Feb 2014
Posts: 1,135 Likes: 198
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Very Senior Member
Joined: Feb 2014
Posts: 1,135 Likes: 198 |
Silly fun episode XI: So I was perusing miner 2049er main memory looking for where it draws the words PLAYER 1 and PLAYER2 but I couldn't find it. I finally figured out it was loading the screens from disk. How to view them? Why just rewrite my memory viewer to load the data from a .dsk file instead. Just read a .dsk file into a lua string and use that as the data source. I just let the miner 2049er program crash, since it loads some of its code into the first hi-res page and then it won't be competing for the hi-res page 0. I set up the "9" key to re initialize graphics mode. It's neat to scroll through the disk stepping by blocks of 256 bytes, when it comes across a hi-res screen it's like it's "tuning" into view like a television.
function rem(a) print(a) end
function remp(a,b,c,d) print(a,b,c,d) end
function rem(a) end
function float(f) return string.format("%6.2f",f) end
function hex(a) return string.format("0x%02x",a) end
function calc(line,page) page=page or 0 return line % 8 * 1024 + math.floor(line / 64) * 40 + math.floor((line%64) / 8) * 128 + 8192* (page + 1) end
function iif(a,b,c) if a then return b else return c end end
function bool10(a) return iif(a,1,0) end
function bin(x,numbits,gap) if x==nil then return nil end gap=gap or "_" numbits=numbits or 8 str="" for i=numbits-1,0,-1 do str=str..iif((x&(2^i))~=0,"1","0")..iif((i%8==0) and (i>0),gap,"") end return str end
function myframedispatcher() if myframedispatchlist ~= nil then for i,j in pairs(myframedispatchlist) do j() end end end
function between(a,b,c) return (a >= b) and (a <= c) end
function disktovideointerleave(start)
if mydisk==nil then return end
cpu = manager:machine().devices[":maincpu"];mem = cpu.spaces["program"]
for i=0,screenwidth do
for j=0,191 do
xpos = i
ypos = j
if between(xpos,0,screenwidth-1) and between(ypos,0,191) then
if between(mempos,0,disksize-1) then valuetowrite=mydisk:byte(mempos+1)
else valuetowrite = iif(mempos%1==0,0xaa,0x55)
function disktovideo(start,stride)
if mydisk==nil then return end
cpu = manager:machine().devices[":maincpu"];mem = cpu.spaces["program"]
for i=0,screenwidth+stride,stride do
for j=0,191 do
for k=0,stride-1 do
if between(xpos,0,screenwidth-1) and between(ypos,0,191) then
if between(mempos,0,disksize-1) then valuetowrite=mydisk:byte(mempos+1)
else valuetowrite = iif(mempos%1==0,0xaa,0x55)
function setgfx()
cpu = manager:machine().devices[":maincpu"];mem = cpu.spaces["program"]
dummy=mem:read_u8(0xc050) -- display graphics
dummy=mem:read_u8(0xc052) -- full screen
dummy=mem:read_u8(0xc054) -- page 1
dummy=mem:read_u8(0xc057) -- hi res
function iskeypressed(keycode)
inp = manager:machine():input() return inp:code_pressed(inp:code_from_token(keycode))
function diskviewer()
if keydelay > 0 then keydelay=keydelay-1 end
if framecounter % 5 == 0 then
if interleavemode == 0 then disktovideo(mempos0,blockwidth) else disktovideointerleave(mempos0) end
if iskeypressed("KEYCODE_1") then
if interleavemode == 0 then
mempos0=mempos0 - (iif(iskeypressed("KEYCODE_LSHIFT"),8*blockwidth,iif(iskeypressed("KEYCODE_LCONTROL"),1,memorystep*blockwidth)))
mempos0=mempos0 - 256 mempos0 = math.floor(mempos0 / 256) * 256
elseif iskeypressed("KEYCODE_2") then
if interleavemode == 0 then
mempos0=mempos0 + (iif(iskeypressed("KEYCODE_LSHIFT"),8*blockwidth,iif(iskeypressed("KEYCODE_LCONTROL"),1,memorystep*blockwidth)))
mempos0=mempos0 + 256 mempos0 = math.floor(mempos0 / 256) * 256
elseif iskeypressed("KEYCODE_BACKSPACE") then myframedispatchlist={}
elseif iskeypressed("KEYCODE_3") and keydelay==0 then blockwidth=blockwidth-1 blockwidth=math.max(blockwidth,1) keydelay=20
elseif iskeypressed("KEYCODE_4") and keydelay==0 then blockwidth=blockwidth+1 blockwidth=math.min(blockwidth,128) keydelay=20
elseif iskeypressed("KEYCODE_9") then setgfx()
elseif iskeypressed("KEYCODE_7") then interleavemode=0
elseif iskeypressed("KEYCODE_8") then interleavemode=1
manager:machine().screens[":screen"]:draw_text(350,0,"Disk Viewer File="..iif(diskname==nil,"NO DISK",diskname).."\nAddress="..hex(mempos0).." Blockwidth="..blockwidth.."\n"..iif(interleavemode==0,"","Hi-res interleave mode\n").."\n\nPress 1,2 = move by column\nshift+1,2 = move by 8 * blocksize\nctrl+1,2 = move by 1\n3,4 = increase/decrease blockwidth\n7 = Hi res interleave mode off\n8= Hi res interleave mode on\n9= Reset Graphics mode\nBackspace = quit",0xffffffff,0xffff0000)
if mydisk==nil then manager:machine().screens[":screen"]:draw_text(0,0,"No Disk Loaded") end
myframedispatchlist={} table.insert(myframedispatchlist,diskviewer)
if alreadyregisteredmyframedispatcher==nil then
function clrd() myframedispatchlist={} end
function loaddisk(filename)
mydisk = myfile:read("*all")
function viewdisk(filename)
myframedispatchlist={} table.insert(myframedispatchlist,diskviewer)
-- dofile("../../mame205_extract/mame/memviewer_diskviewer_lua.txt")
-- loaddisk("miner 2049er (1982)(micro fun)(clean crack).dsk")
![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/E2l79wy.png)
Last edited by Golden Child; 02/03/19 10:40 AM.
Entire Thread
8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/29/16 08:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
R. Belmont
11/29/16 08:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
11/29/16 08:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
11/29/16 09:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
11/29/16 09:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
11/29/16 10:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
11/29/16 11:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
03/02/17 06:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
R. Belmont
03/02/17 07:18 PM
Konan David Jr II
05/01/17 06:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
R. Belmont
05/11/17 01:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
Golden Child
05/14/17 10:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
R. Belmont
05/14/17 04:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/21/17 05:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/21/17 06:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
08/23/17 11:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/24/17 06:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
08/24/17 10:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/25/17 01:38 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
09/01/17 02:01 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/25/17 01:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/25/17 03:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
08/25/17 06:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/26/17 12:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/27/17 11:55 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/01/17 12:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
09/12/17 11:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/01/17 05:52 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/15/17 08:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/06/17 08:12 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
09/06/17 08:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/06/17 12:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/06/17 03:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/06/17 04:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/06/17 04:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/06/17 05:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
09/07/17 09:31 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/07/17 12:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/07/17 04:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/14/17 07:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/11/17 10:01 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/11/17 12:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/12/17 01:57 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/12/17 02:02 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/12/17 04:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/12/17 02:15 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/12/17 11:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/14/17 08:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/14/17 10:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/23/17 08:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/23/17 10:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/24/17 01:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/24/17 01:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/24/17 02:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
09/24/17 02:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/24/17 03:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/24/17 06:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/26/17 12:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/26/17 10:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/27/17 12:13 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/27/17 03:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/27/17 05:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/27/17 07:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/28/17 05:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/17/17 06:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/17/17 06:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/18/17 03:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/18/17 02:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/04/17 11:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/25/17 12:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
09/29/17 09:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/30/17 10:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/02/17 07:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
09/25/17 01:54 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/26/17 11:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/27/17 03:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/28/17 06:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/29/17 04:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/29/17 07:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/02/17 12:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/02/17 12:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Al Kossow
10/03/17 03:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/02/17 02:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/03/17 02:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/03/17 04:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/03/17 02:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/04/17 01:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
10/04/17 01:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/09/17 01:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/04/17 02:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/04/17 05:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/09/17 11:58 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/10/17 02:20 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/10/17 12:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/09/17 01:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/09/17 01:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/10/17 02:09 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/10/17 04:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/10/17 05:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/12/17 12:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/12/17 02:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/12/17 05:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/12/17 06:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/12/17 11:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/18/17 03:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/18/17 07:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/19/17 08:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/25/17 02:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/05/17 04:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/01/17 12:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/05/17 06:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/06/17 01:16 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/07/17 08:55 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/11/17 01:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 02:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/06/17 11:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/22/17 02:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 02:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 02:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/25/17 06:00 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/25/17 06:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/26/17 10:18 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/04/17 12:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/22/17 03:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 03:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/23/17 05:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/23/17 08:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/22/17 03:56 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 04:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 10:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/23/17 09:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/24/17 09:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
03/13/18 02:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/23/18 08:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/25/18 06:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/04/18 08:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/28/18 06:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/13/18 02:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/11/18 11:04 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/11/18 02:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/23/18 03:26 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/23/18 11:49 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/23/18 07:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/23/18 07:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/23/18 08:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/23/18 11:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/24/18 04:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/25/18 12:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/26/18 02:49 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
06/05/18 06:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/05/18 07:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/07/18 10:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
06/08/18 01:14 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/17/18 12:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/10/18 09:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/12/18 06:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/12/18 08:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/12/18 09:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
06/19/18 05:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/01/18 07:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/21/18 12:16 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/21/18 04:13 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/21/18 12:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/31/18 09:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
08/01/18 08:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/01/18 09:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/01/18 11:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/03/18 10:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/03/18 11:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/04/18 10:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/05/18 12:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/05/18 02:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/05/18 02:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/18 05:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
08/10/18 06:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/19/18 12:44 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/21/18 01:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
08/21/18 02:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/23/18 04:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/31/18 01:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/31/18 03:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/31/18 06:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/01/18 12:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/02/18 04:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/02/18 08:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/03/18 01:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/04/18 02:38 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/21/18 02:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/21/18 02:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/23/18 08:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/25/18 01:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/27/18 09:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/28/18 12:19 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/31/18 03:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/31/18 07:20 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/03/18 02:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/03/18 06:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/04/18 08:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/04/18 03:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/04/18 05:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/06/18 06:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/29/18 02:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
10/29/18 05:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/29/18 05:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/29/18 01:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
10/29/18 01:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/29/18 02:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/05/18 12:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/06/18 06:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/14/18 09:15 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/29/18 10:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/03/18 06:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/04/18 11:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
12/04/18 12:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
12/04/18 10:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/06/18 11:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/22/18 03:10 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
12/30/18 01:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
12/30/18 05:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/01/19 12:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/01/19 12:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/09/19 03:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/14/19 10:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/09/19 04:01 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
01/09/19 04:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/09/19 05:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
01/09/19 05:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/09/19 12:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/12/19 03:39 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/14/19 02:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/14/19 03:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/14/19 09:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/30/19 04:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/30/19 05:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/30/19 03:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/30/19 07:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
01/30/19 07:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/31/19 02:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/30/19 09:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/31/19 03:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/31/19 09:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/31/19 02:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/01/19 05:28 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/02/19 01:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/31/19 09:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/31/19 09:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/02/19 06:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/02/19 11:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/03/19 10:35 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/03/19 11:01 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/15/19 08:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/15/19 09:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/16/19 12:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/16/19 12:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/16/19 08:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/16/19 10:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/17/19 03:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/17/19 04:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/17/19 12:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/17/19 01:14 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/17/19 01:44 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/17/19 02:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/17/19 05:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/17/19 06:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/17/19 07:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/17/19 11:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/18/19 12:12 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/18/19 12:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/18/19 12:25 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/18/19 12:30 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/23/19 01:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/23/19 05:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/23/19 07:15 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/25/19 04:49 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/23/19 08:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/23/19 08:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/24/19 08:28 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/26/19 05:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/26/19 05:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/03/19 12:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/03/19 01:55 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/03/19 12:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/03/19 09:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/04/19 04:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
03/04/19 04:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/04/19 02:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
03/05/19 08:30 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/14/19 05:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/15/19 07:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/24/19 12:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/24/19 07:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/25/19 11:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/27/19 02:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
03/24/19 07:52 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/25/19 11:42 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/29/19 03:28 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/29/19 03:42 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
03/29/19 08:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/02/19 01:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/04/19 12:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/07/19 11:35 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/08/19 04:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/08/19 06:05 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/10/19 07:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/10/19 10:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
04/10/19 10:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/11/19 07:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/13/19 08:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/13/19 09:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/13/19 11:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/14/19 10:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/14/19 11:06 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/14/19 02:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/14/19 04:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/16/19 06:52 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/14/19 05:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/14/19 07:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/14/19 08:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/15/19 01:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/16/19 06:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/16/19 07:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/16/19 09:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/16/19 08:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/16/19 09:20 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/17/19 08:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/18/19 01:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/18/19 01:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/20/19 04:36 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/20/19 01:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/21/19 09:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/21/19 04:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/22/19 03:30 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/21/19 11:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/22/19 11:52 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/24/19 10:48 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/23/19 03:20 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/24/19 04:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/23/19 08:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/23/19 09:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/24/19 11:04 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/24/19 11:20 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/24/19 05:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/25/19 04:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/26/19 07:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/27/19 06:52 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/27/19 07:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 12:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 02:20 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/27/19 08:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/28/19 12:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/28/19 11:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/28/19 03:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/28/19 07:15 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/28/19 04:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/29/19 01:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/29/19 02:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/30/19 02:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/02/19 03:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/05/19 03:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/09/19 02:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/03/19 05:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/03/19 06:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/03/19 07:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/09/19 05:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/10/19 12:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/10/19 12:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/10/19 02:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/10/19 05:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/10/19 07:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/10/19 10:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/11/19 08:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/12/19 01:39 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/12/19 11:55 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/12/19 09:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/13/19 02:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/11/19 05:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/11/19 10:58 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/12/19 07:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/12/19 11:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/13/19 02:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/13/19 02:37 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/13/19 03:27 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/13/19 01:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/28/19 06:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/30/19 03:15 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/30/19 03:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/13/19 02:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
05/13/19 04:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/23/19 08:20 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/23/19 11:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/30/19 05:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/31/19 01:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/31/19 02:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
05/31/19 03:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/31/19 05:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/02/19 02:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/23/19 11:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/04/19 11:12 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/05/19 01:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/01/19 08:47 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/01/19 11:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/01/19 09:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/01/19 09:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/01/19 10:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
06/02/19 03:37 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/01/19 11:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/09/19 01:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/23/19 12:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/23/19 05:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/05/19 01:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/05/19 03:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/06/19 05:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/08/19 09:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/08/19 05:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/08/19 06:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/08/19 07:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/08/19 10:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/09/19 02:58 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 10:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/09/19 04:02 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/09/19 10:24 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 01:13 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 02:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 10:57 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 11:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 11:35 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 11:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 04:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 05:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 07:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
08/10/19 07:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 11:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/11/19 04:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 05:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 06:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 06:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 08:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 08:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/11/19 04:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/11/19 08:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/11/19 08:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/11/19 09:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/11/19 11:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/12/19 01:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/13/19 05:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/14/19 09:08 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/15/19 01:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/15/19 04:20 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/20/19 03:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/21/19 02:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/27/19 08:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/13/19 05:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/14/19 02:50 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/14/19 03:06 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/25/19 09:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
08/27/19 06:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/27/19 08:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/27/19 09:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/28/19 01:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/29/19 03:38 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/01/19 11:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/02/19 12:34 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/06/19 09:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/06/19 09:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/06/19 10:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/07/19 01:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/07/19 02:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/07/19 04:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/07/19 05:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/07/19 08:00 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/08/19 01:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/08/19 01:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/08/19 05:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/09/19 09:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/09/19 11:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/10/19 04:48 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/11/19 02:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/11/19 06:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/13/19 04:44 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/13/19 04:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/15/19 07:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
09/09/19 03:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/09/19 03:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/09/19 05:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
09/09/19 07:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/09/19 07:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/15/19 04:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/15/19 05:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/15/19 05:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/15/19 07:00 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/15/19 07:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/15/19 08:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/25/19 11:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/25/19 11:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/26/19 03:31 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/26/19 04:27 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/30/19 04:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/05/19 10:47 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/30/19 11:46 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/01/19 09:37 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/05/19 12:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/01/19 05:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/31/20 11:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/02/19 12:50 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/02/19 02:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/02/19 09:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/02/19 09:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/03/19 11:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/18/20 01:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/18/20 05:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/18/20 06:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/18/20 07:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/18/20 07:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/18/20 08:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/19/20 03:18 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/19/20 07:05 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/19/20 12:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/19/20 01:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/19/20 01:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/19/20 01:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/20/20 03:12 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/20/20 08:02 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/08/20 04:31 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/26/20 06:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/26/20 07:20 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/26/20 07:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/27/20 08:37 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/27/20 11:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/01/20 03:31 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/01/20 10:50 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/27/20 04:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/01/20 11:48 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/27/20 04:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/27/20 06:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/27/20 06:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
06/27/20 08:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
06/28/20 09:01 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/30/20 02:09 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/30/20 01:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/01/20 01:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/01/20 02:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/11/20 10:04 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/11/20 11:52 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/11/20 07:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/11/20 08:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/11/20 08:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/12/20 03:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/12/20 05:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/12/20 05:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/13/20 11:26 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/13/20 09:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/02/20 10:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/16/20 07:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/23/20 03:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/24/20 02:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/24/20 02:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/24/20 02:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/24/20 03:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/24/20 04:00 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/24/20 04:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/24/20 06:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/25/20 01:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/25/20 02:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/04/20 12:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/07/20 04:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/23/20 03:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/23/20 03:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/23/20 03:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/23/20 04:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/23/20 04:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/23/20 04:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/23/20 05:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/23/20 04:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/23/20 07:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/24/20 12:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/24/20 10:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/24/20 10:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/24/20 11:19 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/24/20 03:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/24/20 04:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/24/20 05:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/24/20 05:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/28/20 04:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/29/20 02:10 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/10/20 08:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/11/20 07:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/31/20 01:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/10/20 02:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/31/20 05:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/08/20 06:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/11/20 09:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/11/20 11:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/14/20 03:02 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/14/20 03:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/14/20 05:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/14/20 02:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/14/20 03:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/14/20 04:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/14/20 07:00 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/14/20 11:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/15/20 12:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/15/20 02:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/15/20 11:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/15/20 12:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/15/20 03:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/15/20 03:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/15/20 06:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/16/20 04:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/23/20 05:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/05/20 01:35 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
12/27/20 07:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
12/27/20 07:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/27/20 11:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
12/28/20 12:36 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/28/20 12:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/28/20 08:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
12/28/20 09:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/28/20 11:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/01/21 10:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/06/21 10:43 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/06/21 01:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/06/21 11:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
01/07/21 02:13 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/07/21 02:50 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
01/07/21 03:08 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/07/21 03:24 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/07/21 04:19 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/09/21 04:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/10/21 07:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/10/21 09:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/10/21 10:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/10/21 10:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/10/21 11:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/11/21 01:49 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/11/21 05:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/12/21 10:31 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/12/21 05:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/12/21 09:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/13/21 01:19 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/13/21 08:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/02/21 05:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/02/21 06:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/03/21 07:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/03/21 03:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/06/21 10:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/09/21 03:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Tim Stark
02/16/21 03:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
02/16/21 04:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit
Vas Crabb
04/03/21 06:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit
Golden Child
04/04/21 04:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit
Golden Child
04/04/21 06:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit
Golden Child
04/06/21 03:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 05:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 06:42 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 06:46 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 07:05 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 09:16 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 10:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 12:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 01:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
04/07/21 07:57 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/20/21 09:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 11:34 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 01:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 02:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 02:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 11:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 06:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 10:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/07/21 01:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/07/21 04:27 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/07/21 04:38 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/07/21 10:14 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/08/21 05:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/08/21 01:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/08/21 01:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/08/21 01:56 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/18/21 01:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/03/21 01:36 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/03/21 05:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/09/21 11:36 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/03/21 01:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/06/21 08:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/03/21 01:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
05/03/21 06:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/06/21 03:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/06/21 06:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/06/21 03:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/06/21 03:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/08/21 01:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/09/21 11:42 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/09/21 11:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/10/21 10:15 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/30/21 12:15 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/30/21 01:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/30/21 03:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
05/30/21 02:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/30/21 11:19 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
07/07/21 06:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/30/21 11:36 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/30/21 12:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/24/21 09:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/25/21 01:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/25/21 01:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/18/21 11:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/18/21 11:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/18/21 11:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/19/21 12:46 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/19/21 02:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/19/21 03:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/25/21 12:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
07/25/21 04:25 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/25/21 08:44 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/25/21 12:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/25/21 12:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
07/25/21 02:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/25/21 04:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/28/21 05:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
07/28/21 06:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/28/21 07:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
07/28/21 09:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/02/21 11:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
08/03/21 07:47 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/03/21 11:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
08/03/21 12:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/04/21 02:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/05/21 10:30 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/10/21 04:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
08/10/21 04:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/10/21 07:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/21 07:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/10/21 08:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/11/21 01:49 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/18/21 03:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/18/21 04:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/21/21 05:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/21/21 12:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/21/21 01:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/21/21 01:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/22/21 02:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/22/21 06:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/22/21 11:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/22/21 11:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/23/21 12:28 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/23/21 01:06 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/23/21 04:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/26/21 03:14 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/27/21 01:52 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/27/21 04:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/30/21 10:35 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/30/21 06:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/30/21 06:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/30/21 11:05 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/05/21 07:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/11/21 11:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/16/21 12:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/16/21 03:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/19/21 02:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/01/21 02:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/02/21 05:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/05/21 03:50 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/05/21 01:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/05/21 06:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/05/21 01:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/05/21 07:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/08/21 03:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/08/21 11:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/08/21 11:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/09/21 01:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/30/21 10:39 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/01/21 01:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/05/21 06:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/05/21 06:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/05/21 06:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/07/21 04:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/08/21 01:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
11/17/21 02:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/17/21 09:12 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
12/09/21 06:15 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/27/22 08:15 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/27/22 08:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/29/22 04:25 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/03/22 11:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/01/23 03:46 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/01/23 03:52 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/01/23 07:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/01/23 08:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/01/23 09:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/01/23 11:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/02/23 12:57 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/02/23 02:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/03/23 02:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/16/23 02:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/12/23 03:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/12/23 05:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/10/23 04:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/10/23 11:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
07/10/23 04:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/10/23 11:24 PM
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