Perhaps the schematics in the "Hacker's Guide" on my website may help you
Sorry, the schematic quality was a bit on the low side for me to be able to make out the information that I needed. However, Paul Thacker e-mailed me a different set of schematics, which proved highly illuminating.
4) I sent "Just Desserts" a private message via these boards requesting his email address so that I can send him the bounty via PayPal. As an aside, my wife asked me, "How do you know it's a guy who made the update." I guess that I don't know that...
Yep, I'm a guy.
6) This will probably become obvious to me once I use the MAME emulator with with tape support, but does it save to WAV files? If so, then will they load on real hardware? That would be so cool!
It does save to WAV files. I do not know if they will load on real hardware. It's worth a try, though!
Thanks for working on this project. I still can't believe the quick progress that you made.
For those interested in the Astrocade, you might want to watch a few of my videos on my YouTube channel, here:
Thanks Adam, I'll definitely be checking out your channel!