I was creating some blank apple 2 disk images to copy some Prodos files to Dos 3.3 with Copy II+ using mame's built in file manager and was getting some strange results, primarily because I was asking for filenames with .DSK in capitals as opposed to a lowercase .dsk extension.

What threw me off was that it would happily create the file and give it a zero size so I could see it in Ubuntu's file manager but it contained no data.

Only after a few tries did I see that there was a popup message at the bottom of the screen that said "Error: Unable to identify the image format".

So be careful when you leave your caps lock on, because it doesn't like .DSK, only .dsk.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

Notice that the menu here doesn't have a default option:

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

and we get a popup error message: (which I didn't see the first couple of times I did this)

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

and when using lowercase .dsk extension the menu is slightly different with a bar separating the first option from the rest.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]