Joined: Feb 2014
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Very Senior Member
Joined: Feb 2014
Posts: 1,124
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More silly fun/experiments:
I came across a disk image for the computer eyes video digitizer (the very first one that hooked up to the gameport). I thought I'd load it up just to see if it'd do anything. Running a capture I saw that if you pressed the controller button, it would change the screen display. Cool!
Tapping the controller button as it captures: (kinda looks like a barcode)
So this is a 1 bit capture device, capturing 280x192 and it captures 1 bit for each scanline, scanning left to right across the screen.
Well, why not try to send the capture program some data? Gimp is pretty useful in that it can save data in a raw format. I'll create a little 280x192 rgba bitmap and export it as raw data. (gimp seems to want to add an alpha channel to the image)
We'll add some stuff to apple2.cpp:
Make a buffer to hold a picture:
uint m_computereyescapturebuffer[192][280]; // [280][192] that is column major, we want [192][280]
int m_cex, m_cey;
Give it a save_item so we can access it from lua:
Reset the position when we reset AN0.
printf("set cex,cey to zero AN0 %x\n",state);
m_an0 = state;
Read a pixel from button 1 and increment the position:
int old_m_cey=m_cey;
int old_m_cex=m_cex;
if ((m_cex==0) && (m_cey==0)) printf(" AN STATUS: %x %x %x %x\n",m_an0,m_an1,m_an2,m_an3);
u8 uFloatingBus7 = read_floatingbus() & 0x7f;
// Y output of 74LS251 at H14 read as D7
switch (offset)
case 0: // cassette in (accidentally read at $C068 by ProDOS to attempt IIgs STATE register)
return (m_cassette->input() > 0.0 ? 0x80 : 0) | uFloatingBus7;
case 1: // button 0
return ((m_joybuttons->read() & 0x10) ? 0x80 : 0) | uFloatingBus7;
case 2: // button 1
if(m_cey>191) {m_cey=0; m_cex=m_cex+1;}
return (m_computereyescapturebuffer[std::min(old_m_cey,191)][std::min(old_m_cex,279)]>(128*m_an2+64*m_an1+32*m_an3))? 0x80:0;
// capture threshold seems to be 128 *m_an2 + 64 * m_an1 + 32 * m_an3
and since the main machine's saveitems aren't accessible otherwise, we'll add a function to luaengine.cpp
emu["items"] = [this](){ sol::table table = sol().create_table();
// 10000 is enough?
for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
std::string name;
const char *item;
unsigned int size, count;
void *base;
item = machine().save().indexed_item(i, base, size, count);
if(!item) break;
//name = &(strchr(item, '/')[1]);
name = item;
table[name] = i;
return table;
Now we can load the file into a string:
a=f:read("*a") f:close() print(#a)
and then write it into our capture "buffer".
quick = emu.items()["Apple ][+/:/0/m_computereyescapturebuffer"] print(quick)
for i=0,280*192-1 do emu.item(quick):write(i,a:byte(1+i*4)) end -- just grab the red component to make it simple
It's a bit of a hack (yeah ok, it's a total hack), in that I'm not really getting the timing and sync right, I'm just incrementing the read position based on how many times it reads button 1, and resetting that position when it resets AN0.
I want to figure out how to capture a frame with v4l2 and load that up.
Mame logo:
original bitmaps:
8 level capture versus a 2 level capture:
The 8 bit guy has a video using a computer eyes on a c64 at
At the 6:55 mark you can see what's actually inside, it's pretty simple.
Digital Vision put up a webpage for the history of their products:
Entire Thread
8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/29/16 08:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
R. Belmont
11/29/16 08:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
11/29/16 08:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
11/29/16 09:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
11/29/16 09:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
11/29/16 10:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
11/29/16 11:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
03/02/17 06:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
R. Belmont
03/02/17 07:18 PM
Konan David Jr II
05/01/17 06:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
R. Belmont
05/11/17 01:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
Golden Child
05/14/17 10:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
R. Belmont
05/14/17 04:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/21/17 05:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/21/17 06:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
08/23/17 11:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/24/17 06:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
08/24/17 10:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/25/17 01:38 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
09/01/17 02:01 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/25/17 01:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/25/17 03:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
08/25/17 06:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/26/17 12:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/27/17 11:55 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/01/17 12:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
09/12/17 11:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/01/17 05:52 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/15/17 08:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/06/17 08:12 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
09/06/17 08:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/06/17 12:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/06/17 03:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/06/17 04:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/06/17 04:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/06/17 05:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
09/07/17 09:31 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/07/17 12:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/07/17 04:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/14/17 07:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/11/17 10:01 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/11/17 12:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/12/17 01:57 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/12/17 02:02 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/12/17 04:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/12/17 02:15 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/12/17 11:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/14/17 08:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/14/17 10:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/23/17 08:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/23/17 10:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/24/17 01:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/24/17 01:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/24/17 02:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
09/24/17 02:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/24/17 03:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/24/17 06:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/26/17 12:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/26/17 10:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/27/17 12:13 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/27/17 03:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/27/17 05:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/27/17 07:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/28/17 05:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/17/17 06:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/17/17 06:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/18/17 03:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/18/17 02:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/04/17 11:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/25/17 12:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
09/29/17 09:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/30/17 10:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/02/17 07:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
09/25/17 01:54 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/26/17 11:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/27/17 03:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/28/17 06:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/29/17 04:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/29/17 07:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/02/17 12:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/02/17 12:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Al Kossow
10/03/17 03:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/02/17 02:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/03/17 02:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/03/17 04:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/03/17 02:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/04/17 01:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
10/04/17 01:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/09/17 01:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/04/17 02:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/04/17 05:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/09/17 11:58 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/10/17 02:20 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/10/17 12:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/09/17 01:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/09/17 01:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/10/17 02:09 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/10/17 04:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/10/17 05:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/12/17 12:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/12/17 02:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/12/17 05:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/12/17 06:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/12/17 11:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/18/17 03:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/18/17 07:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/19/17 08:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/25/17 02:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/05/17 04:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/01/17 12:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/05/17 06:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/06/17 01:16 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/07/17 08:55 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/11/17 01:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 02:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/06/17 11:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/22/17 02:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 02:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 02:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/25/17 06:00 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/25/17 06:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/26/17 10:18 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/04/17 12:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/22/17 03:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 03:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/23/17 05:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/23/17 08:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/22/17 03:56 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 04:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 10:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/23/17 09:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/24/17 09:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
03/13/18 02:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/23/18 08:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/25/18 06:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/04/18 08:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/28/18 06:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/13/18 02:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/11/18 11:04 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/11/18 02:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/23/18 03:26 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/23/18 11:49 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/23/18 07:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/23/18 07:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/23/18 08:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/23/18 11:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/24/18 04:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/25/18 12:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/26/18 02:49 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
06/05/18 06:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/05/18 07:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/07/18 10:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
06/08/18 01:14 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/17/18 12:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/10/18 09:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/12/18 06:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/12/18 08:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/12/18 09:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
06/19/18 05:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/01/18 07:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/21/18 12:16 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/21/18 04:13 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/21/18 12:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/31/18 09:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
08/01/18 08:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/01/18 09:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/01/18 11:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/03/18 10:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/03/18 11:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/04/18 10:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/05/18 12:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/05/18 02:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/05/18 02:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/18 05:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
08/10/18 06:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/19/18 12:44 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/21/18 01:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
08/21/18 02:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/23/18 04:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/31/18 01:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/31/18 03:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/31/18 06:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/01/18 12:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/02/18 04:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/02/18 08:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/03/18 01:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/04/18 02:38 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/21/18 02:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/21/18 02:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/23/18 08:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/25/18 01:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/27/18 09:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/28/18 12:19 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/31/18 03:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/31/18 07:20 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/03/18 02:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/03/18 06:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/04/18 08:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/04/18 03:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/04/18 05:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/06/18 06:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/29/18 02:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
10/29/18 05:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/29/18 05:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/29/18 01:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
10/29/18 01:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/29/18 02:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/05/18 12:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/06/18 06:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/14/18 09:15 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/29/18 10:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/03/18 06:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/04/18 11:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
12/04/18 12:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
12/04/18 10:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/06/18 11:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/22/18 03:10 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
12/30/18 01:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
12/30/18 05:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/01/19 12:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/01/19 12:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/09/19 03:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/14/19 10:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/09/19 04:01 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
01/09/19 04:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/09/19 05:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
01/09/19 05:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/09/19 12:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/12/19 03:39 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/14/19 02:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/14/19 03:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/14/19 09:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/30/19 04:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/30/19 05:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/30/19 03:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/30/19 07:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
01/30/19 07:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/31/19 02:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/30/19 09:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/31/19 03:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/31/19 09:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/31/19 02:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/01/19 05:28 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/02/19 01:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/31/19 09:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/31/19 09:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/02/19 06:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/02/19 11:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/03/19 10:35 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/03/19 11:01 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/15/19 08:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/15/19 09:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/16/19 12:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/16/19 12:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/16/19 08:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/16/19 10:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/17/19 03:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/17/19 04:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/17/19 12:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/17/19 01:14 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/17/19 01:44 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/17/19 02:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/17/19 05:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/17/19 06:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/17/19 07:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/17/19 11:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/18/19 12:12 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/18/19 12:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/18/19 12:25 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/18/19 12:30 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/23/19 01:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/23/19 05:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/23/19 07:15 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/25/19 04:49 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/23/19 08:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/23/19 08:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/24/19 08:28 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/26/19 05:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/26/19 05:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/03/19 12:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/03/19 01:55 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/03/19 12:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/03/19 09:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/04/19 04:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
03/04/19 04:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/04/19 02:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
03/05/19 08:30 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/14/19 05:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/15/19 07:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/24/19 12:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/24/19 07:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/25/19 11:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/27/19 02:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
03/24/19 07:52 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/25/19 11:42 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/29/19 03:28 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/29/19 03:42 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
03/29/19 08:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/02/19 01:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/04/19 12:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/07/19 11:35 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/08/19 04:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/08/19 06:05 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/10/19 07:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/10/19 10:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
04/10/19 10:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/11/19 07:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/13/19 08:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/13/19 09:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/13/19 11:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/14/19 10:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/14/19 11:06 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/14/19 02:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/14/19 04:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/16/19 06:52 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/14/19 05:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/14/19 07:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/14/19 08:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/15/19 01:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/16/19 06:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/16/19 07:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/16/19 09:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/16/19 08:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/16/19 09:20 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/17/19 08:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/18/19 01:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/18/19 01:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/20/19 04:36 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/20/19 01:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/21/19 09:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/21/19 04:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/22/19 03:30 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/21/19 11:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/22/19 11:52 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/24/19 10:48 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/23/19 03:20 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/24/19 04:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/23/19 08:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/23/19 09:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/24/19 11:04 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/24/19 11:20 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/24/19 05:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/25/19 04:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/26/19 07:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/27/19 06:52 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/27/19 07:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 12:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 02:20 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/27/19 08:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/28/19 12:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/28/19 11:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/28/19 03:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/28/19 07:15 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/28/19 04:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/29/19 01:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/29/19 02:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/30/19 02:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/02/19 03:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/05/19 03:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/09/19 02:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/03/19 05:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/03/19 06:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/03/19 07:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/09/19 05:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/10/19 12:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/10/19 12:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/10/19 02:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/10/19 05:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/10/19 07:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/10/19 10:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/11/19 08:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/12/19 01:39 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/12/19 11:55 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/12/19 09:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/13/19 02:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/11/19 05:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/11/19 10:58 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/12/19 07:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/12/19 11:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/13/19 02:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/13/19 02:37 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/13/19 03:27 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/13/19 01:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/28/19 06:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/30/19 03:15 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/30/19 03:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/13/19 02:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
05/13/19 04:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/23/19 08:20 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/23/19 11:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/30/19 05:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/31/19 01:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/31/19 02:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
05/31/19 03:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/31/19 05:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/02/19 02:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/23/19 11:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/04/19 11:12 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/05/19 01:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/01/19 08:47 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/01/19 11:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/01/19 09:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/01/19 09:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/01/19 10:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
06/02/19 03:37 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/01/19 11:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/09/19 01:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/23/19 12:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/23/19 05:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/05/19 01:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/05/19 03:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/06/19 05:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/08/19 09:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/08/19 05:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/08/19 06:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/08/19 07:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/08/19 10:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/09/19 02:58 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 10:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/09/19 04:02 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/09/19 10:24 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 01:13 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 02:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 10:57 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 11:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 11:35 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 11:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 04:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 05:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 07:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
08/10/19 07:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 11:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/11/19 04:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 05:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 06:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 06:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 08:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 08:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/11/19 04:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/11/19 08:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/11/19 08:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/11/19 09:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/11/19 11:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/12/19 01:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/13/19 05:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/14/19 09:08 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/15/19 01:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/15/19 04:20 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/20/19 03:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/21/19 02:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/27/19 08:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/13/19 05:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/14/19 02:50 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/14/19 03:06 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/25/19 09:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
08/27/19 06:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/27/19 08:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/27/19 09:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/28/19 01:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/29/19 03:38 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/01/19 11:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/02/19 12:34 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/06/19 09:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/06/19 09:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/06/19 10:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/07/19 01:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/07/19 02:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/07/19 04:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/07/19 05:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/07/19 08:00 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/08/19 01:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/08/19 01:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/08/19 05:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/09/19 09:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/09/19 11:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/10/19 04:48 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/11/19 02:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/11/19 06:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/13/19 04:44 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/13/19 04:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/15/19 07:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
09/09/19 03:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/09/19 03:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/09/19 05:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
09/09/19 07:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/09/19 07:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/15/19 04:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/15/19 05:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/15/19 05:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/15/19 07:00 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/15/19 07:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/15/19 08:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/25/19 11:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/25/19 11:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/26/19 03:31 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/26/19 04:27 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/30/19 04:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/05/19 10:47 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/30/19 11:46 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/01/19 09:37 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/05/19 12:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/01/19 05:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/31/20 11:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/02/19 12:50 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/02/19 02:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/02/19 09:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/02/19 09:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/03/19 11:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/18/20 01:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/18/20 05:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/18/20 06:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/18/20 07:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/18/20 07:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/18/20 08:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/19/20 03:18 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/19/20 07:05 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/19/20 12:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/19/20 01:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/19/20 01:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/19/20 01:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/20/20 03:12 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/20/20 08:02 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/08/20 04:31 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/26/20 06:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/26/20 07:20 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/26/20 07:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/27/20 08:37 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/27/20 11:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/01/20 03:31 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/01/20 10:50 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/27/20 04:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/01/20 11:48 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/27/20 04:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/27/20 06:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/27/20 06:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
06/27/20 08:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
06/28/20 09:01 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/30/20 02:09 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/30/20 01:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/01/20 01:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/01/20 02:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/11/20 10:04 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/11/20 11:52 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/11/20 07:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/11/20 08:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/11/20 08:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/12/20 03:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/12/20 05:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/12/20 05:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/13/20 11:26 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/13/20 09:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/02/20 10:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/16/20 07:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/23/20 03:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/24/20 02:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/24/20 02:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/24/20 02:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/24/20 03:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/24/20 04:00 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/24/20 04:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/24/20 06:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/25/20 01:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/25/20 02:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/04/20 12:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/07/20 04:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/23/20 03:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/23/20 03:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/23/20 03:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/23/20 04:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/23/20 04:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/23/20 04:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/23/20 05:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/23/20 04:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/23/20 07:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/24/20 12:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/24/20 10:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/24/20 10:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/24/20 11:19 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/24/20 03:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/24/20 04:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/24/20 05:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/24/20 05:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/28/20 04:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/29/20 02:10 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/10/20 08:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/11/20 07:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/31/20 01:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/10/20 02:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/31/20 05:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/08/20 06:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/11/20 09:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/11/20 11:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/14/20 03:02 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/14/20 03:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/14/20 05:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/14/20 02:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/14/20 03:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/14/20 04:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/14/20 07:00 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/14/20 11:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/15/20 12:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/15/20 02:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/15/20 11:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/15/20 12:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/15/20 03:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/15/20 03:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/15/20 06:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/16/20 04:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/23/20 05:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/05/20 01:35 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
12/27/20 07:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
12/27/20 07:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/27/20 11:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
12/28/20 12:36 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/28/20 12:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/28/20 08:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
12/28/20 09:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/28/20 11:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/01/21 10:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/06/21 10:43 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/06/21 01:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/06/21 11:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
01/07/21 02:13 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/07/21 02:50 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
01/07/21 03:08 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/07/21 03:24 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/07/21 04:19 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/09/21 04:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/10/21 07:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/10/21 09:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/10/21 10:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/10/21 10:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/10/21 11:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/11/21 01:49 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/11/21 05:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/12/21 10:31 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/12/21 05:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/12/21 09:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/13/21 01:19 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/13/21 08:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/02/21 05:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/02/21 06:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/03/21 07:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/03/21 03:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/06/21 10:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/09/21 03:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Tim Stark
02/16/21 03:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
02/16/21 04:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit
Vas Crabb
04/03/21 06:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit
Golden Child
04/04/21 04:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit
Golden Child
04/04/21 06:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit
Golden Child
04/06/21 03:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 05:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 06:42 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 06:46 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 07:05 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 09:16 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 10:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 12:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 01:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
04/07/21 07:57 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/20/21 09:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 11:34 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 01:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 02:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 02:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 11:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 06:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 10:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/07/21 01:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/07/21 04:27 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/07/21 04:38 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/07/21 10:14 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/08/21 05:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/08/21 01:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/08/21 01:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/08/21 01:56 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/18/21 01:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/03/21 01:36 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/03/21 05:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/09/21 11:36 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/03/21 01:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/06/21 08:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/03/21 01:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
05/03/21 06:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/06/21 03:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/06/21 06:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/06/21 03:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/06/21 03:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/08/21 01:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/09/21 11:42 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/09/21 11:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/10/21 10:15 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/30/21 12:15 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/30/21 01:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/30/21 03:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
05/30/21 02:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/30/21 11:19 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
07/07/21 06:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/30/21 11:36 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/30/21 12:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/24/21 09:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/25/21 01:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/25/21 01:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/18/21 11:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/18/21 11:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/18/21 11:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/19/21 12:46 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/19/21 02:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/19/21 03:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/25/21 12:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
07/25/21 04:25 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/25/21 08:44 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/25/21 12:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/25/21 12:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
07/25/21 02:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/25/21 04:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/28/21 05:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
07/28/21 06:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/28/21 07:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
07/28/21 09:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/02/21 11:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
08/03/21 07:47 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/03/21 11:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
08/03/21 12:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/04/21 02:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/05/21 10:30 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/10/21 04:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
08/10/21 04:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/10/21 07:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/21 07:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/10/21 08:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/11/21 01:49 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/18/21 03:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/18/21 04:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/21/21 05:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/21/21 12:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/21/21 01:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/21/21 01:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/22/21 02:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/22/21 06:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/22/21 11:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/22/21 11:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/23/21 12:28 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/23/21 01:06 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/23/21 04:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/26/21 03:14 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/27/21 01:52 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/27/21 04:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/30/21 10:35 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/30/21 06:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/30/21 06:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/30/21 11:05 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/05/21 07:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/11/21 11:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/16/21 12:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/16/21 03:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/19/21 02:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/01/21 02:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/02/21 05:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/05/21 03:50 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/05/21 01:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/05/21 06:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/05/21 01:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/05/21 07:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/08/21 03:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/08/21 11:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/08/21 11:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/09/21 01:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/30/21 10:39 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/01/21 01:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/05/21 06:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/05/21 06:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/05/21 06:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/07/21 04:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/08/21 01:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
11/17/21 02:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/17/21 09:12 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
12/09/21 06:15 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/27/22 08:15 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/27/22 08:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/29/22 04:25 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/03/22 11:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/01/23 03:46 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/01/23 03:52 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/01/23 07:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/01/23 08:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/01/23 09:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/01/23 11:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/02/23 12:57 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/02/23 02:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/03/23 02:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/16/23 02:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/12/23 03:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/12/23 05:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/10/23 04:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/10/23 11:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
07/10/23 04:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/10/23 11:24 PM
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