Robotron A7150 WIP -- KES is a clone of iSBC-215 storage controller, but it's different internally (Z80 + Z80DMA + Z80CTC instead of 8089) and will need new code:
The hardware is annoyingly similar to the real thing, but not quite -- with these debugger hacks ACT passes and OS tries to boot from floppy, but halts halfway.
# adapt to different memory layout on the KES; makes controller test pass
wpiset 4a,1,w,(wpdata==1 && w@92b==0xe),{ logerror "Hacking IOPB (xfer buffer)\n"; focus 0; temp1=920; w@(temp1+0xe)=4000; w@(temp1+0x16)=600; go }
bpset fcf76,1,{ cx=600; go }
# ACT passes transfer length 0, fix it
wpiset 4a,1,w,(wpdata==1 && b@92b==5),{ logerror "Hacking IOPB (read and verify)\n"; focus 0; temp1=920; w@(temp1+0x16)=200; go }
# firmware crashes, use a different command to fail hard disk test
wpiset 4a,1,w,(wpdata==1 && b@92b==3),{ logerror "Hacking IOPB (read id)\n"; focus 0; temp1=920; b@92b=8; go }
I suppose the next best thing is HLE, since hardware docs for actual storage controllers (iSBX clones) are missing.