I figured out a couple of more escape codes:

ESC L [chr$([n])] is set the number of lines that a FF will generate (up to 15 I think)
ESC C is set right margin clipping on/off (text that goes further that the right margin will get clipped and not wrapped to the next line)
ESC c is turn clipping on/off

so the only ones I haven't figured out yet are ESC G and the ESC E/e pair.

I wanted to see the silentype printout close up, so I was playing with the copyrozbitmap function (took me awhile to figure out how the parameters work, all good fun.) I want to make it so I can zoom in/out and pan with a joystick.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

Just on a whim, I thought the ESC G might do graphics, and since there's only 7 elements on the printhead, maybe it will use the codes from 128 to 255.

Yes! It works!

ESC G to go into graphics mode, then send it characters >= 128, bit data is in lower 7 bits. Graphics mode seems to be terminated by sending it the "H" character.

I remember back when I was using the silentype with my apple 2 how much I wanted to be able to send bit patterns to the printer. It's so easy with the Apple /// driver. 8-)

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

It's kind of cool that it will print the 7 pixels of bit data just as soon as you send it.

You can see the pixel pattern in the "staircase" in the lower right. Lowest bit is the bottommost pixel.

PRINT #1;CHR$(27)"G";
PRINT #1;CHR$(128+1);
PRINT #1;CHR$(128+2);
PRINT #1;CHR$(128+4);
PRINT #1;CHR$(128+8);
PRINT #1;CHR$(128+16);

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

Last edited by Golden Child; 08/20/19 04:55 PM.