Just for fun, fiddling with the cpc6128 and the ap2000:

You can print to the printer with PRINT #8,"HELLO"
or LIST #8

     70 CLS
     80 PRINT "TESTING printerp01 PRINTER PAC II"
     81 ?
     85 PRINT "startup with printerp01"
     86 ?
     95 PRINT "type RUN "CHR$(34)"PP2 enter"
     96 ?
     99 FOR J = 1 TO 5
    100  FOR I=32 TO 127:?CHR$(I);:NEXT:PRINT
    110 NEXT
    120 |DUMP

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]
[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]
and you can adjust the colors with

INK 0,0 makes color 0 black
INK 3,26 makes color 3 white
INK 3,27 makes color 3 grey