Joined: Feb 2014
Posts: 1,102 Likes: 173
Very Senior Member
Very Senior Member
Joined: Feb 2014
Posts: 1,102 Likes: 173 |
I'm having great fun playing with the grappler plus. I wrote a simple CODE 128 barcode generator: ctrl+reset after boot and paste this in from the applesoft prompt:
100 I=0
120 IF A$="END" THEN 140
130 BA$(I)=A$ : I=I+1: GOTO 110
135 REM FOR J = 1 TO I :? J,BA$(J) : NEXT
140 ? : X0 = 20 : X = X0 : Y0 = 5 : Y1=20 : XW = 1 : Y2 = Y1 + 20 : Y = Y0-Y2
151 IF A$="P" THEN GOSUB 1000 : GOTO 150
152 IF A$="" THEN A$="1234567890123456" : ? A$" ENTER P TO PRINT SCREEN"
160 B$=CHR$(104) : REM START CODE B
170 FOR I=1 TO LEN(A$) : B$=B$+CHR$(ASC(MID$(A$,I,1))-32) : NEXT
186 FOR I = 2 TO LEN(B$) : S = S + (I-1) * ASC(MID$(B$,I,1)) : NEXT : REM ADD TO SUM (POSITION * CODE)
187 IF S > 103 THEN S = S - 103 : GOTO 187 : REM MODULO 103
189 B$=B$+CHR$(108) : REM STOP CODE
200 X = X0 : Y = Y + Y2
210 FOR I = 1 TO LEN(B$) : C = ASC(MID$(B$,I,1))
220 FOR J = 1 TO LEN(BA$(C))
225 W = VAL(MID$(BA$(C),J,1)) : REM W IS WIDTH
230 IF (J/2)=INT(J/2) THEN X = X2 : GOTO 250 : REM EVEN IS SPACE
250 NEXT
260 NEXT
400 GOTO 150
1000 PR#1
1020 PR#0
1030 PRINT "PRINT CHR$(9)"+CHR$(34)+"GDEI"+CHR$(34)
2000 DATA 212222, 222122, 222221, 121223, 121322, 131222, 122213, 122312, 132212, 221213
2001 DATA 221312, 231212, 112232, 122132, 122231, 113222, 123122, 123221, 223211, 221132
2002 DATA 221231, 213212, 223112, 312131, 311222, 321122, 321221, 312212, 322112, 322211
2003 DATA 212123, 212321, 232121, 111323, 131123, 131321, 112313, 132113, 132311, 211313
2004 DATA 231113, 231311, 112133, 112331, 132131, 113123, 113321, 133121, 313121, 211331
2005 DATA 231131, 213113, 213311, 213131, 311123, 311321, 331121, 312113, 312311, 332111
2006 DATA 314111, 221411, 431111, 111224, 111422, 121124, 121421, 141122, 141221, 112214
2007 DATA 112412, 122114, 122411, 142112, 142211, 241211, 221114, 413111, 241112, 134111
2008 DATA 111242, 121142, 121241, 114212, 124112, 124211, 411212, 421112, 421211, 212141
2009 DATA 214121, 412121, 111143, 111341, 131141, 114113, 114311, 411113, 411311, 113141
2010 DATA 114131, 311141, 411131, 211412, 211214, 211232, 233111, 211133, 2331112, END
Entire Thread
8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/29/16 08:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
R. Belmont
11/29/16 08:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
11/29/16 08:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
11/29/16 09:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
11/29/16 09:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
11/29/16 10:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
11/29/16 11:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
03/02/17 06:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
R. Belmont
03/02/17 07:18 PM
Konan David Jr II
05/01/17 06:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
R. Belmont
05/11/17 01:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
Golden Child
05/14/17 10:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and GS
R. Belmont
05/14/17 04:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/21/17 05:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/21/17 06:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
08/23/17 11:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/24/17 06:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
08/24/17 10:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/25/17 01:38 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
09/01/17 02:01 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/25/17 01:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/25/17 03:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
08/25/17 06:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/26/17 12:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/27/17 11:55 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/01/17 12:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
09/12/17 11:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/01/17 05:52 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/15/17 08:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/06/17 08:12 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
09/06/17 08:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/06/17 12:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/06/17 03:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/06/17 04:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/06/17 04:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/06/17 05:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
09/07/17 09:31 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/07/17 12:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/07/17 04:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/14/17 07:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/11/17 10:01 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/11/17 12:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/12/17 01:57 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/12/17 02:02 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/12/17 04:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/12/17 02:15 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/12/17 11:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/14/17 08:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/14/17 10:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/23/17 08:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/23/17 10:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/24/17 01:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/24/17 01:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/24/17 02:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
09/24/17 02:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/24/17 03:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/24/17 06:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/26/17 12:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/26/17 10:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/27/17 12:13 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/27/17 03:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/27/17 05:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/27/17 07:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/28/17 05:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/17/17 06:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/17/17 06:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/18/17 03:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/18/17 02:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/04/17 11:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/25/17 12:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
09/29/17 09:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/30/17 10:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/02/17 07:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
09/25/17 01:54 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/26/17 11:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/27/17 03:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/28/17 06:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/29/17 04:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/29/17 07:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/02/17 12:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/02/17 12:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Al Kossow
10/03/17 03:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/02/17 02:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/03/17 02:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/03/17 04:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/03/17 02:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/04/17 01:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
10/04/17 01:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/09/17 01:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/04/17 02:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/04/17 05:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/09/17 11:58 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/10/17 02:20 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/10/17 12:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/09/17 01:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/09/17 01:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/10/17 02:09 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/10/17 04:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/10/17 05:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/12/17 12:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/12/17 02:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/12/17 05:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/12/17 06:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/12/17 11:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/18/17 03:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/18/17 07:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/19/17 08:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/25/17 02:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/05/17 04:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/01/17 12:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/05/17 06:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/06/17 01:16 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/07/17 08:55 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/11/17 01:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 02:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/06/17 11:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/22/17 02:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 02:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 02:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/25/17 06:00 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/25/17 06:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/26/17 10:18 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/04/17 12:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/22/17 03:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 03:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/23/17 05:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/23/17 08:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/22/17 03:56 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 04:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/22/17 10:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/23/17 09:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/24/17 09:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
03/13/18 02:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/23/18 08:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/25/18 06:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/04/18 08:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/28/18 06:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/13/18 02:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/11/18 11:04 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/11/18 02:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/23/18 03:26 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/23/18 11:49 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/23/18 07:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/23/18 07:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/23/18 08:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/23/18 11:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/24/18 04:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/25/18 12:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/26/18 02:49 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
06/05/18 06:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/05/18 07:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/07/18 10:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
06/08/18 01:14 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/17/18 12:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/10/18 09:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/12/18 06:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/12/18 08:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/12/18 09:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
06/19/18 05:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/01/18 07:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/21/18 12:16 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/21/18 04:13 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/21/18 12:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/31/18 09:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
08/01/18 08:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/01/18 09:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/01/18 11:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/03/18 10:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/03/18 11:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/04/18 10:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/05/18 12:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/05/18 02:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/05/18 02:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/18 05:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
08/10/18 06:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/19/18 12:44 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/21/18 01:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
08/21/18 02:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/23/18 04:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/31/18 01:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/31/18 03:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/31/18 06:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/01/18 12:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/02/18 04:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/02/18 08:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/03/18 01:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/04/18 02:38 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/21/18 02:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/21/18 02:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/23/18 08:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/25/18 01:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/27/18 09:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/28/18 12:19 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/31/18 03:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/31/18 07:20 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/03/18 02:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/03/18 06:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/04/18 08:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/04/18 03:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/04/18 05:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/06/18 06:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/29/18 02:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
10/29/18 05:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/29/18 05:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/29/18 01:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
10/29/18 01:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/29/18 02:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/05/18 12:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/06/18 06:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/14/18 09:15 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/29/18 10:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/03/18 06:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/04/18 11:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
12/04/18 12:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
12/04/18 10:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/06/18 11:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/22/18 03:10 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
12/30/18 01:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
12/30/18 05:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/01/19 12:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/01/19 12:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/09/19 03:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/14/19 10:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/09/19 04:01 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
01/09/19 04:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/09/19 05:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
01/09/19 05:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/09/19 12:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/12/19 03:39 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/14/19 02:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/14/19 03:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/14/19 09:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/30/19 04:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/30/19 05:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/30/19 03:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/30/19 07:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
01/30/19 07:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/31/19 02:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/30/19 09:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/31/19 03:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/31/19 09:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/31/19 02:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/01/19 05:28 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/02/19 01:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/31/19 09:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/31/19 09:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/02/19 06:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/02/19 11:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/03/19 10:35 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/03/19 11:01 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/15/19 08:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/15/19 09:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/16/19 12:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/16/19 12:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/16/19 08:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/16/19 10:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/17/19 03:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/17/19 04:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/17/19 12:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/17/19 01:14 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/17/19 01:44 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/17/19 02:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/17/19 05:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/17/19 06:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/17/19 07:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/17/19 11:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/18/19 12:12 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/18/19 12:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/18/19 12:25 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/18/19 12:30 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/23/19 01:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/23/19 05:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/23/19 07:15 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/25/19 04:49 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/23/19 08:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/23/19 08:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/24/19 08:28 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
02/26/19 05:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/26/19 05:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/03/19 12:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/03/19 01:55 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/03/19 12:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/03/19 09:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/04/19 04:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
03/04/19 04:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/04/19 02:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
03/05/19 08:30 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/14/19 05:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/15/19 07:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/24/19 12:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/24/19 07:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/25/19 11:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/27/19 02:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
03/24/19 07:52 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
03/25/19 11:42 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/29/19 03:28 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/29/19 03:42 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
03/29/19 08:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/02/19 01:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/04/19 12:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/07/19 11:35 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/08/19 04:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/08/19 06:05 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/10/19 07:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/10/19 10:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
04/10/19 10:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/11/19 07:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/13/19 08:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/13/19 09:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/13/19 11:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/14/19 10:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/14/19 11:06 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/14/19 02:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/14/19 04:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/16/19 06:52 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/14/19 05:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/14/19 07:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/14/19 08:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/15/19 01:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/16/19 06:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/16/19 07:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/16/19 09:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/16/19 08:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/16/19 09:20 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/17/19 08:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/18/19 01:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/18/19 01:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/20/19 04:36 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/20/19 01:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/21/19 09:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/21/19 04:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/22/19 03:30 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/21/19 11:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/22/19 11:52 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/24/19 10:48 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/23/19 03:20 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
04/24/19 04:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/23/19 08:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/23/19 09:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/24/19 11:04 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/24/19 11:20 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/24/19 05:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/25/19 04:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/26/19 07:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/27/19 06:52 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/27/19 07:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 12:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 02:20 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/27/19 08:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/28/19 12:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/28/19 11:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/28/19 03:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/28/19 07:15 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/28/19 04:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/29/19 01:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/29/19 02:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/30/19 02:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/02/19 03:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/05/19 03:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/09/19 02:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/03/19 05:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/03/19 06:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/03/19 07:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/09/19 05:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/10/19 12:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/10/19 12:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/10/19 02:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/10/19 05:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/10/19 07:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/10/19 10:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/11/19 08:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/12/19 01:39 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/12/19 11:55 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/12/19 09:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/13/19 02:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/11/19 05:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/11/19 10:58 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/12/19 07:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/12/19 11:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/13/19 02:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/13/19 02:37 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/13/19 03:27 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/13/19 01:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/28/19 06:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/30/19 03:15 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/30/19 03:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/13/19 02:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
05/13/19 04:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/23/19 08:20 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/23/19 11:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/30/19 05:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/31/19 01:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/31/19 02:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
05/31/19 03:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/31/19 05:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/02/19 02:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/23/19 11:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/04/19 11:12 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/05/19 01:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/01/19 08:47 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/01/19 11:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/01/19 09:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/01/19 09:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/01/19 10:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
06/02/19 03:37 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/01/19 11:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/09/19 01:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/23/19 12:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/23/19 05:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/05/19 01:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/05/19 03:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/06/19 05:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/08/19 09:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/08/19 05:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/08/19 06:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/08/19 07:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/08/19 10:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/09/19 02:58 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 10:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/09/19 04:02 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/09/19 10:24 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 01:13 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 02:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 10:57 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 11:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 11:35 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 11:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 04:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 05:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 07:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
08/10/19 07:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 11:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/11/19 04:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 05:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 06:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 06:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/19 08:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/10/19 08:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/11/19 04:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/11/19 08:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/11/19 08:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/11/19 09:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/11/19 11:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/12/19 01:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/13/19 05:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/14/19 09:08 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/15/19 01:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/15/19 04:20 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/20/19 03:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/21/19 02:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/27/19 08:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/13/19 05:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/14/19 02:50 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/14/19 03:06 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/25/19 09:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
08/27/19 06:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/27/19 08:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/27/19 09:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/28/19 01:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/29/19 03:38 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/01/19 11:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/02/19 12:34 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/06/19 09:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/06/19 09:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/06/19 10:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/07/19 01:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/07/19 02:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/07/19 04:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/07/19 05:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/07/19 08:00 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/08/19 01:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/08/19 01:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/08/19 05:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/09/19 09:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/09/19 11:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/10/19 04:48 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/11/19 02:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/11/19 06:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/13/19 04:44 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/13/19 04:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/15/19 07:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
09/09/19 03:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/09/19 03:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/09/19 05:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
09/09/19 07:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/09/19 07:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/15/19 04:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/15/19 05:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/15/19 05:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/15/19 07:00 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/15/19 07:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/15/19 08:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/25/19 11:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/25/19 11:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/26/19 03:31 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
09/26/19 04:27 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/30/19 04:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/05/19 10:47 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/30/19 11:46 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/01/19 09:37 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/05/19 12:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/01/19 05:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/31/20 11:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/02/19 12:50 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/02/19 02:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/02/19 09:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/02/19 09:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/03/19 11:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/18/20 01:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/18/20 05:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/18/20 06:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/18/20 07:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/18/20 07:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/18/20 08:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/19/20 03:18 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/19/20 07:05 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/19/20 12:58 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/19/20 01:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/19/20 01:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/19/20 01:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/20/20 03:12 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/20/20 08:02 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
03/08/20 04:31 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/26/20 06:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/26/20 07:20 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/26/20 07:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/27/20 08:37 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/27/20 11:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/01/20 03:31 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/01/20 10:50 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/27/20 04:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/01/20 11:48 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/27/20 04:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/27/20 06:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/27/20 06:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
06/27/20 08:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
06/28/20 09:01 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/30/20 02:09 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/30/20 01:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/01/20 01:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/01/20 02:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/11/20 10:04 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/11/20 11:52 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/11/20 07:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/11/20 08:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/11/20 08:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/12/20 03:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/12/20 05:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/12/20 05:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/13/20 11:26 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/13/20 09:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/02/20 10:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/16/20 07:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/23/20 03:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/24/20 02:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/24/20 02:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/24/20 02:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/24/20 03:04 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/24/20 04:00 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/24/20 04:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/24/20 06:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
08/25/20 01:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/25/20 02:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
09/04/20 12:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/07/20 04:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/23/20 03:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/23/20 03:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/23/20 03:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/23/20 04:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/23/20 04:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/23/20 04:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/23/20 05:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/23/20 04:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/23/20 07:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/24/20 12:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/24/20 10:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/24/20 10:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/24/20 11:19 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/24/20 03:33 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/24/20 04:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/24/20 05:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/24/20 05:49 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/28/20 04:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/29/20 02:10 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/10/20 08:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/11/20 07:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/31/20 01:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/10/20 02:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/31/20 05:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/08/20 06:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/11/20 09:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/11/20 11:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/14/20 03:02 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/14/20 03:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/14/20 05:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/14/20 02:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/14/20 03:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/14/20 04:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/14/20 07:00 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/14/20 11:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/15/20 12:21 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/15/20 02:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/15/20 11:03 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/15/20 12:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/15/20 03:08 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/15/20 03:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/15/20 06:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
11/16/20 04:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/23/20 05:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/05/20 01:35 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
12/27/20 07:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
12/27/20 07:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/27/20 11:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
12/28/20 12:36 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/28/20 12:51 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/28/20 08:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
12/28/20 09:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
12/28/20 11:36 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/01/21 10:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/06/21 10:43 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/06/21 01:16 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/06/21 11:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
01/07/21 02:13 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/07/21 02:50 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
01/07/21 03:08 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/07/21 03:24 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/07/21 04:19 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/09/21 04:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/10/21 07:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/10/21 09:35 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/10/21 10:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/10/21 10:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
01/10/21 11:25 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/11/21 01:49 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/11/21 05:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/12/21 10:31 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
01/12/21 05:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/12/21 09:10 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/13/21 01:19 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
01/13/21 08:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/02/21 05:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/02/21 06:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/03/21 07:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/03/21 03:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/06/21 10:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/09/21 03:02 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Tim Stark
02/16/21 03:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
02/16/21 04:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit
Vas Crabb
04/03/21 06:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit
Golden Child
04/04/21 04:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit
Golden Child
04/04/21 06:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit
Golden Child
04/06/21 03:59 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 05:33 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 06:42 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 06:46 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 07:05 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 09:16 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 10:45 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 12:07 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 01:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Lord Nightmare
04/07/21 07:57 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/20/21 09:12 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 11:34 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 01:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 02:06 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 02:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 11:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/06/21 06:38 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/06/21 10:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/07/21 01:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/07/21 04:27 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/07/21 04:38 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
04/07/21 10:14 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
04/08/21 05:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/08/21 01:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/08/21 01:37 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
04/08/21 01:56 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
04/18/21 01:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/03/21 01:36 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/03/21 05:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/09/21 11:36 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/03/21 01:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/06/21 08:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/03/21 01:42 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
05/03/21 06:03 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/06/21 03:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/06/21 06:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/06/21 03:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/06/21 03:53 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/08/21 01:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/09/21 11:42 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/09/21 11:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/10/21 10:15 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/30/21 12:15 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/30/21 01:17 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
05/30/21 03:41 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
05/30/21 02:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/30/21 11:19 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
07/07/21 06:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
05/30/21 11:36 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
05/30/21 12:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/24/21 09:13 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/25/21 01:46 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
06/25/21 01:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/18/21 11:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/18/21 11:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/18/21 11:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/19/21 12:46 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/19/21 02:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/19/21 03:07 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/25/21 12:11 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
07/25/21 04:25 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/25/21 08:44 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/25/21 12:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/25/21 12:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
07/25/21 02:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
07/25/21 04:09 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/28/21 05:59 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
07/28/21 06:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/28/21 07:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
07/28/21 09:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/02/21 11:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
08/03/21 07:47 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/03/21 11:29 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Olivier Galibert
08/03/21 12:43 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/04/21 02:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/05/21 10:30 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/10/21 04:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Just Desserts
08/10/21 04:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/10/21 07:28 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/10/21 07:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/10/21 08:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/11/21 01:49 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/18/21 03:54 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/18/21 04:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/21/21 05:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/21/21 12:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/21/21 01:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/21/21 01:26 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/22/21 02:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/22/21 06:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/22/21 11:11 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/22/21 11:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/23/21 12:28 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/23/21 01:06 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/23/21 04:51 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/26/21 03:14 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/27/21 01:52 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/27/21 04:23 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/30/21 10:35 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/30/21 06:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
08/30/21 06:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
08/30/21 11:05 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/05/21 07:47 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/11/21 11:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/16/21 12:32 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/16/21 03:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
09/19/21 02:29 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/01/21 02:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
10/02/21 05:01 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/05/21 03:50 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/05/21 01:44 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/05/21 06:17 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/05/21 01:55 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/05/21 07:22 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/08/21 03:39 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/08/21 11:19 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/08/21 11:40 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/09/21 01:22 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
10/30/21 10:39 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/01/21 01:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/05/21 06:27 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
11/05/21 06:30 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/05/21 06:34 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/07/21 04:32 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/08/21 01:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
peter ferrie
11/17/21 02:53 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
11/17/21 09:12 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
12/09/21 06:15 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/27/22 08:15 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
10/27/22 08:24 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
10/29/22 04:25 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
11/03/22 11:00 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/01/23 03:46 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/01/23 03:52 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/01/23 07:41 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/01/23 08:21 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/01/23 09:14 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
02/01/23 11:50 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/02/23 12:57 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/02/23 02:45 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
02/03/23 02:18 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
02/16/23 02:56 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
06/12/23 03:31 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
06/12/23 05:57 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/10/23 04:23 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
R. Belmont
07/10/23 11:40 AM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Vas Crabb
07/10/23 04:48 PM
Re: 8bit Apples - Apple I, II, /// and the 16 bit GS
Golden Child
07/10/23 11:24 PM
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