Just for fun, I wanted to see if the Cauzin softstrip "stripper" program would run.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

After messing around with S2.DSK which has the stripper.e program, I nearly gave up since it errored out with "ERROR DURING READ, PROGRAM ABORTED".

Why not try booting from a regular dos disk in flop1 -flop2 S2.DSK and RUN STRIPPER.E,D2 and voila! - it prints something that looks like a strip.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]
[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]
[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

STRIPPER.I is supposed to make strips from an Imagewriter.
STRIPPER.E is the Epson version of the program.

According to a page I read:

"The electronics
consist of an ATMS 7040 8-bit
microprocessor and a custom VLSI
chip that contains the reader logic,
control and communications using
four nested phase-locked-loops and
several hardware and software
servos." which I think means a TMS7040.