Originally Posted by exidyboy
The person I've been put in touch with has 100A's and 100B's - are there 'on device' options that he could use to create disk images without needing any other gear?

Otherwise I could mail him some blank disks and image the copies...
I imaged the ~300 Rainbow disks that I have using kyroflux, but that's extra hardware (and one reason I have the images as raw, physical order disks).

https://bitbucket.org/ArmstrongJ/rbimg/src/master/ has an option to read floppy disks to the hard drive... I can get you binaries to give to this person...

But then you have to transfer them from the Rainbow elsewhere, but kermit and/or xmodem are well supported by the rainbow (xmodem is faster, but kermit is more reliable). The biggest issue I have getting data off my rainbow is that its serial ports have issues going faster than 200-300 CPS (at least under Venix which I've been running most lately).

There's also media master that runs on the Rainbow, but I'd have to dig back down into the documentation for it. It's one of the few programs, IIRC, that can copy Lotus 123 with it's funky copy protection scheme (really just a mis-number sector on a high track)....

Where, approximately, is this person located? How many disks do they have? I still have my setup intact and can use it to image disks if necessary (but I do understand all the issues involved)... What kind of hard drive do they have? Is it setup for CP/M or MS-DOS?

Last edited by bsdimp; 01/02/21 06:13 AM.