So the fingerprint g+ is supposed to support regular hi-res:

[Linked Image from]

which looks fine.

It's also supposed to support double hi-res and lo-res, however color 15 white prints as black for some reason.

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(doing some experiments changing the cf4b table while it's printing)

There's a table at cf4b that seems to control the printed colors. There's a 2 color dither, offset 0-15 low nibble is color a and 16-31 low nibble is color b.
It's actually quite clever, bit 3 is black, bit 2 is magenta, bit 1 is cyan, bit 0 is yellow.

So if I take entries 15 and 31 for color 15 = white

[Linked Image from]

and change them from 8F 8F to 0 and 0

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then the print looks normal:

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It looks even better if I do some color correction in gimp to more closely match the screen colors:

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