In refactoring the code to separate the actual printer part from the interface part, I forgot to hook up the margin switch. The diagnostic program promptly figured this out and had these suggestions:

[Linked Image from]

Also there's some strange behavior if I select the head alignment test at the beginning. It seems to print the screen improperly and won't proceed past the firmware test, updating the screen but never finishing.

[Linked Image from]

typing Y then N will stop the alignment.

[Linked Image from]

testing the firmware never completes with 4 character blocks being constantly updated.

[Linked Image from]

If I reset, type IN#6 and select the same test, it will print properly and continue.

[Linked Image from]

This is what it's supposed to look like:

[Linked Image from]

and now following the reset, the test completes normally.

[Linked Image from]

I'd be interested to see if it does this on real hardware, anyone have a real Silentype?