Originally Posted by hap
Wifi radiation harmful? -> disable it completely in device manager
laptop battery will explode? -> get one where battery can be removed, I have a laptop with Intel i5 and removed the battery (cause it's heavy weight and worn out anyway)
Modern hardware tends to be flattened to total unrepairability by having the case hermetically sealed by the glued screen etc. (see iFixIt examples of M$ Surface etc.), and their batteries are those glued-in flimsy foil bags those respond to any slightly rough handling or perforation with blazing inferno. The era of user-removable battery packs is long time gone in household grade notebooks.

And disabling wifi in device manager usually does only turn off the service, NOT the transmitter. You can still measure the pulsed microwaves output of the antenna. In some models it can help to disable it in UEFI, but even this is unsafe, since any online update by remote-maintenance through the manufacturer (Win10 updates and others) can turn it back on in the background, and also during power-on there tend to be wifi-pulses emitted even with wifi disabled. (E.g. also most smart TVs can not turn off the transmitter at all from user-accesible menus.) Such features are intentional to permit manufacturers (and the national intelligence services they are legally required to obey to) to do remote firmware updates of crashed hardware by power cycling, and permit intelligence services to remote-access computers by provoking a power fail (e.g. of the house or street) to make them reboot and so quickly reply with wireless access through their Intel/AMD Management Engine firmware. This is implemented similar like the Roving Bug mode in mobile phones.

Last edited by =CO=Windler; 11/18/21 06:01 AM.

