And here's a patch for ssf_gen.c for loading multiple ssflibs (necessary for Shining the Holy Ark):

diff -Nru aosdk/eng_ssf/eng_ssf.c aosdk_new/eng_ssf/eng_ssf.c
--- aosdk/eng_ssf/eng_ssf.c	2007-10-27 16:24:22.000000000 -0700
+++ aosdk_new/eng_ssf/eng_ssf.c	2007-10-28 02:53:01.000000000 -0700
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
 	uint32 offset, plength;
 	uint64 file_len, lib_len, lib_raw_length;
 	corlett_t *lib;
+	char *libfile;
 	int i;
 	// clear Saturn work RAM before we start scribbling in it
@@ -64,34 +65,37 @@
 	// Get the library file, if any
-	if (c->lib[0] != 0)
-	{
-		uint64 tmp_length;
-		printf("Loading library: %s\n", c->lib);
-		#endif
-		if (ao_get_lib(c->lib, &lib_raw_file, &tmp_length) != AO_SUCCESS)
+	for (i=0; i<9; i++) {
+		libfile = i ? c->libaux[i-1] : c->lib;
+		if (libfile[0] != 0)
-			return AO_FAIL;
-		}
-		lib_raw_length = tmp_length;
+			uint64 tmp_length;
+			printf("Loading library: %s\n", c->lib);
+			#endif
+			if (ao_get_lib(libfile, &lib_raw_file, &tmp_length) != AO_SUCCESS)
+			{
+				return AO_FAIL;
+			}
+			lib_raw_length = tmp_length;
-		if (corlett_decode(lib_raw_file, lib_raw_length, &lib_decoded, &lib_len, &lib) != AO_SUCCESS)
-		{
-			free(lib_raw_file);
-			return AO_FAIL;
-		}
+			if (corlett_decode(lib_raw_file, lib_raw_length, &lib_decoded, &lib_len, &lib) != AO_SUCCESS)
+			{
+				free(lib_raw_file);
+				return AO_FAIL;
+			}
-		// Free up raw file
-		free(lib_raw_file);
+			// Free up raw file
+			free(lib_raw_file);
-		// patch the file into ram
-		offset = lib_decoded[0] | lib_decoded[1]<<8 | lib_decoded[2]<<16 | lib_decoded[3]<<24;
-		memcpy(&sat_ram[offset], lib_decoded+4, lib_len-4);
+			// patch the file into ram
+			offset = lib_decoded[0] | lib_decoded[1]<<8 | lib_decoded[2]<<16 | lib_decoded[3]<<24;
+			memcpy(&sat_ram[offset], lib_decoded+4, lib_len-4);
-		// Dispose the corlett structure for the lib - we don't use it
-		free(lib);
+			// Dispose the corlett structure for the lib - we don't use it
+			free(lib);
+		}
 	// now patch the file into RAM over the libraries
@@ -104,7 +108,6 @@
 	strcpy(psfby, "n/a");
 	if (c)
-		int i;
 		for (i = 0; i < MAX_UNKNOWN_TAGS; i++)
 			if (!strcasecmp(c->tag_name[i], "psfby"))