Changes: -Corrected some slot register addresses/sizes -Expanded slot udata arrays to avoid buffer overruns (for me, it was clobbering over the EG state values, preventing slots from starting properly) -Expanded LPANTABLE/RPANTABLE to 0x20000 values. On the AICA, DISDL/IMXL/EFSDL have more resolution (range?) (0x0-0xF) than on the SCSP (0x0-0x7) -Redid the ADPCM sampler in an attempt to make it work better -Removed the backwards sample looping code (not used on AICA)
Problems/issues I've noticed so far: -Playback of sakutai3_01.dsf causes a crash (I haven't looked into this yet) -For sequenced music, it seems that DISDL and DIPAN aren't being written correctly (I get a lot of zeros for DISDL). This problem doesn't seem to occur when I give it OSB data instead (basically samples without any sequence data attached).