The "nonworking" Suchie Pai II tracks are actually just fine.

python -s SQ_FY.minissf

Sequence Bank 1 - Track 0
Resolution : 480 steps/quarter-note
Tempo Event  0:   55680 steps,  625000 microseconds/quater-note 
Tempo Event  1:    5280 steps,  625000 microseconds/quater-note 
Tempo Event  2:   10080 steps,  652173 microseconds/quater-note 
Tempo Event  3:   70880 steps,  389610 microseconds/quater-note 
[0x0005C] 88              EXT_GATE          : gate=512
[0x0005D] 88              EXT_GATE          : gate=512
[0x0005E] 88              EXT_GATE          : gate=512
[0x0005F] 8F              EXT_DELTA         : delta=4096
[0x00060] 8E              EXT_DELTA         : delta=2048
[0x00061] 8D              EXT_DELTA         : delta=512
[0x00062] 8D              EXT_DELTA         : delta=512
[0x00063] 21 37 64 90 FF  NOTE              : channel=1 note=G(3) key=55 volume=100 gate=144 step=511

Adding up the step-times before the first note gives 4096+2048+512+512+511 = 7679 steps.

Converting to seconds:

7679 steps * .625 seconds/quarter-note / 480 steps/quarter-note = 10 seconds.

In other words, have some patience and wait 10 seconds. wink