Yes, there is now in svn r5501: green, yellow, blue, red stripes on the screen with your changes.
I hope this doesn't break other drivers.
Me too.
Only one thing, though: You forgot to change 128 into 256 in one comment line:
153 /* 2^7 modes, 128 characters, 12 scanlines */
154 UINT8 fontdata[128][256][12];
When the changes appear on the next
BobZ Automatic Daily Build I'll check them out.
Given that, let's check what's left at the TODO for MC-1000:
16 - cassette
17 - interrupt from NE555
18 - xtal frequency?
19 - Z80 wait at 0x0000-0x1fff when !hsync & !vsync
20 - MC6847 color artifacting is broken
21 - 80-column card (MC6845)
22 - Charlemagne / GEM-1000 / Junior Computer
- Cassette seems to be working right already.
- MC6847 does implement (NTSC) artifacts. Why you say it is broken? Because it doesn't implement PAL-M artifacts?
- Implementing Charlemagne/GEM-1000 depends on someone finding info on that obscure machine other than what's found in
- As for MC6845 (80-column card)... In this case we would have the machine generating two screens simultaneously. How is this to be handled in M.E.S.S.?
- I'd need a longer description of the other TODOs.