Mario's Wacky Worlds is lame - I wouldn't even call it a prototype, more of an art test. You can load up worlds and walk left and right, and jump, but there's no interactivity with the environment at all, except sometimes you can stand on certain things. You can jump on enemies to kill them, but they'll just push you around if they run into you. There are no working coin boxes, no coins, no clearly-defined level exit conditions. Meh.
Honestly, Hotel Mario is addictive as all get out. It gets a bad rap because of the terrible cutscene animations, but the core gameplay elements are pretty fun overall. The background music is frantic and will get stuck in your head for hours after you play the game, so that's a plus as well.
Zenith is strange but addictive. I can't even liken it to any game that I've ever played. You have a marble, and you have to get to the goal. Your marble is infinitely bouncing "in" and "out" of the screen space, with your height being indicated by two shadows that are cast onto the ground, and the ground moving forward and back underneath your ball. You can move up, down, left and right to get around obstacles, or position your ball to pick up extra fuel, bonus balls, or points.
Whack-A-Bubble is a simplistic but fun game of Breakout, so that's good. It's also where I got the music for the first montage part - I'm actually having to resort to using non-CD-i music for part 2 because I can't find any other games with decently long enough music loops.
Merlin's Apprentice, I think, is the antidote to the animation found in the Zelda and Mario games. Although there were large areas of flat colors in all animations in order to be able to give an acceptable full-screen frame rate, Merlin's Apprentice proves that that is no excuse for bad animation, even moreso considering that most professional cartoons broadcast on TV during the same time frame used large areas of flat color as well.
Lemmings is a solid port, using the mouse to provide a more true-to-Amiga port than any other console port in existence, in my opinion.
Toon Jukebox is fun just to laugh at. Name That Tune the same, but for different reasons.
Originally Posted by ranger_lennier
That's a lot of perfects! Nice work.
I have to admit I've never heard great things about CD-i games, but are there any I ought to check out? I have thought Mario's Wacky Worlds sounded interesting ever since I heard that it existed.
Originally Posted by Just Desserts
This checkin pair also marks the upgrading of the driver's status from NOT_WORKING to IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS and IMPERFECT_SOUND. I will be more willing to listen to bug reports now, please just make sure that the disc rip is correct, and that it isn't a DVC-requiring game.
Known issues so far include: Merlin's Apprentice: Perfect Namco Arcade Classics: Hard to play with a joystick, but otherwise perfect CD-i Backgammon: Perfect Battleship: Minor graphical glitch at the start of a match, otherwise perfect CD Shoot: Perfect Classic Jukebox: Perfect Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia 1992: Perfect Caesar's Palace Casino: Perfect? CD-i Pinball: Perfect? Connect Four: Perfect? Christmas Crisis: Requires DVC Escape from Cyber City: Hangs after boot video Create Your Own Charicature: Perfect? Dark Castle: Perfect? Link - Faces of Evil: Perfect? Zelda - The Wand of Gamelon: Perfect? Golden Oldies 1: Perfect Golden Oldies 2: Perfect Hotel Mario: Perfect? International Tennis Open: Hangs after boot video Jeopardy: Perfect? Jigsaw - The Ultimate Electronic Puzzle: Graphically perfect, but mouse pointer never responds Kether: Perfect? Laser Lords: Seems to lack certain controls - enter/exit building, talk to people - but otherwise perfect Lemmings: No background music, but otherwise perfect Mario Wacky Worlds (Prototype): Perfect? Mega Maze: Hangs when trying to go in-game Micro Machines: Perfect? The Wacky World of Mini-Golf: Perfect? Myst: Perfect? Name That Tune: Perfect? Pac-Panic: Perfect (no sound?) Sargon Chess: Perfect (a bit laggy?) Richard Scarry's Best Neighbor Book Ever (or whatever it's called): Perfect? Space Ranger: Perfect? Striker Pro: Perfect? Tangram - The Ultimate Chinese Game: Perfect? Tetris: Perfect Text Tiles: Perfect? Toon Jukebox: Perfect Whack-A-Bubble: Perfect? Zelda's Adventure: Hangs during the intro Zenith: Perfect? Zombie Dinos: Perfect?